Thursday 11 February 2010

Matthew Graham to write for Doctor Who: Series Six?

Matthew Graham, who wrote the 2006 Doctor Who episode 'Fear Her' as well as BBC One's 'Life on Mars' and 'Ashes to Ashes' has hinted in an interview with Den of Geek that he could be returning next year to pen an episode for Doctor Who: Series Six.

"I'd love to come back. I went to see Piers Wenger and Steven Moffat last year about doing a two-parter for the series that they're shooting now. And I contacted them and said, ‘Look, I've got this idea for a Doctor Who. Can I talk to you?' And they were, ‘Yeah, yeah. Brilliant.' And I just couldn't make the time work, with going to the States and Ashes gearing up again. But I'd love to go back and do some more.

I want to do one with monsters. They owe me monsters!"

We then asked if he thought he was pencilled in for a series six story if he could make the time work. And here's what Matthew said:

"Yeah, yeah. I do actually. Piers has been really, really gracious and said that if you could come and do a Doctor Who for us, we'd really love to have you back. And I'd love to do it. It's a fantastic job. A very, very nerve-wracking job. But since I've had an even bigger, more scary franchise to get involved with for a bit. And now I've got my own to look after as well! It's a series of people handing me precious objects and saying don't drop them!"

(Source: Den of Geek)

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