Thursday 18 February 2010

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 158 - Cover & Info

The cover and details for this week's issue of Doctor Who Adventures which is on sale until the 24th Febuary at the price of £2.10.

You'll have to be extra careful when picking up your Doctor Who Adventures this week - there's a couple of spiky Vinvocci on the cover!

Inside, you can find out everything you need to know about the Doctor’s prickly, green pals from The End of Time - and all the other spiky aliens the Doctor has met over the years.

There's also a great free inflatable monster for every reader - you can choose between a Supreme Dalek and a Sontaran. Watch them near those Vinvocci spikes, though - your monster might get a puncture!

The rest of the issue is also jam-packed with great stuff, including:

•A poster of a brilliant, unseen battle between the Judoon and a Dalek. We've also got Dalek Sec Hybrid, the Doctor and Rose, and Gadget posters for you to pin up on your wall. Amazing!
•Our top 10 Ood moments
•A cool visitor's guide to Gallifrey, the Doctor's planet - watch out for the Flutterwings!
•All about where Rose Tyler is now
•The Doctor has an amazing comic-strip adventure, where he meets a couple of familiar faces. See if you recognise the President of Earth from watching Doctor Who Confidential!

We've also got some brilliant prizes to win, as well as puzzles and quizzes for you to enjoy.

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