Monday 8 February 2010

David Tennant and Torchwood Win SFX Awards 2010

The results for SFX's 2010 awards have been published online and David Tennant has won the award for 'Best Actor' and 'Best TV Episode' goes to Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Five which was written by Russell T Davies.

BEST TV EPISODE - "Children Of Earth" Part Five
Message from Russsell T Davies (read out on the night - with genius comic timing - by fellow Torchwood writer, James Moran):

"Hello SFX, it's Russell T Davies here, I'll just dictate this on to your answerphone. Thanks very much to everyone who voted, and I'd also like to thank... Oh, hold on. Sorry. No, I'm busy, I'm on the phone to SFX. It's a magazine. No wonder you haven't heard of it, it's a specialist magazine. For special people. Yes, with special needs. They've given Torchwood a prize for Best TV Episode. No, stop laughing, they have. No, they really have. Honestly, stop laughing. I'm not kidding, seriously, stop laughing, now. No, it's not the Comedy Awards. Which episode? Day 5. No, not Day 4. No, definitely not Day 4. I didn't write Day 4. I don't f**king care what you think, Day 4 didn't win, okay? And no, he's not coming back to life, so forget it! You're no longer playing Ianto, you're my houseboy, so accept it, okay? Anyway. Yeah, thanks SFX, and thanks to the magnificent cast and crew, and to BBC One for their support. I'm really delighted and honoured that people made the effort to vote for this, so thank you hugely. Hold on. You missed a bit, Gareth, over there, that's it, bend over. Bye. Click. Brrrr."

BEST ACTOR - David Tennant
Tribute to David Tennant from Russell T Davies:

"All a writer can ever hope for is a good actor. And David makes everyone look good - the costumes, set, scripts and cast all shine, because they've got that man acting his heart out at the centre of the show. He literally made everyone strive harder, to match him. And on top of that, as I'm sure you all know, he's been the most amazing ambassador for the show, taking on a huge and difficult public role with such good grace, and such a sense of joy. I'm delighted he's won this award, cos he's not just the best actor, he's the best of men. And I'm no longer his employer, so I don't HAVE to say this stuff any more - but it's true!"

A full list of the awards can be read in SFX issue 194, out Wednesday.

(Source: SFX)

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