Saturday 6 February 2010

CONFIRMED: Neil Gaiman to write Doctor Who Episode

After much rumor and speculation, Neil Gaiman has confirmed today that he will be writing an episode of Doctor Who Series Six which is presumably due to be broadcast in 2011. Speaking at the SFX 'weekender' today, Gaiman said:

"As anyone who’s read my blog knows, I’m a big fan of a certain long-running British SF TV series. One that started watching -- from behind the sofa -- when I was three. And while I know it’s cruel to make you wait for things, in about 14 months from now, which is to say, NOT in the upcoming season but early in the one after that, it’s quite possible that I might have written an episode. And if I had, it would originally have been called “The House of Nothing”. But it definitely isn’t called that any more.

Countdown. You’ve got about 14 months."

(Source: SFX)

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