Sunday 3 January 2010

Matt Smith Announced as the Eleventh Doctor - One Year On!

Well, it's exactly one year since the Eleventh Doctor was announced on BBC One as Matt Smith! One year one, we've just seen the Tenth Doctor's regeneration on New Year's Day as well as the Eleventh Doctor's first moments!

In May 2009, Karen Gillan was announced as the new companion, in July filming began and the Eleventh Doctor's costume was unveiled (does anyone like the bow tie yet?). Over the next few months it also emerged that Alex Kingston would be returning as River Song, the Daleks are returning, Richard Curtis is writing an episode, new executive producer and head writer Steven Moffat is writing 6 episodes including the series finale. Gareth Roberts, Mark Gatiss and Chris Chibnall are also rumored to be penning episodes. In December, filming went overseas to Croatia for two weeks and the Moff (Steven Moffat) announced that the Weeping Angels will be making a return!


Will you be watching Matt Smith as the Doctor in series 5/1/31?!


  1. yes, i will
    i think that Matt Smith is going to make an excellent Doctor
    probably not as good as David Tennant (EVER!!!), but he will be good.
    I think people need to realise that Doctor who is just about David Tennant (Although he was the most amazing Doctor ever), the show is about change and the show need to move on, it cant just stop because David stops.
    He was amazing, and the best, no one can deny that! I am truly sad that he has left.

  2. I feel exactly the same!

    David will always be the Doctor but Matt deserves a chance. If he's as half as good as the Doctor as he was in the BBC drama The Street then he will be AMAZING, and I think people are forgetting that STEVEN MOFFAT cast him! Bring on Series 5!!!

    Thanks for the comment :)
