Wednesday 6 January 2010

He's Still Not Ginger - Update

The BBC have released a statement following Matt Smith's line "I'm still not Ginger" which sparked complaints from gingers with no sense of humor and a lack of Doctor Who knowledge who believe they have been offended by the Time Lord.


We've received complaints from viewers who believed a line in the second part of Doctor Who: The End of Time was insulting to people with ginger hair.

The BBC's response

We would like to reassure viewers that Doctor Who doesn't have an anti ginger agenda whatsoever. This was a reprise of the line in the Christmas Invasion episode in 2005, when David Tennant discovers that he's not ginger, and here he is, missing out again - disappointed he's still not ginger.

In addition, the Doctor's previous companion Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) and his new one Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) are both redheads.

(Source: BBC Complaints)

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