Friday 3 April 2009

Doctor Who Adventures 109

Top 10 laughs with the Tenth Doctor!

This week’s issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out now, looks at the funniest moments with the Tenth Doctor.

Time-travelling with the Doctor is not all scares and running away from monsters! Do you remember when the Time Lord met a horse on a spaceship? Or when the Doctor and Donna saw each other through an office window? Or how about when he tempted a monster with a pork chop?

Find out about all these and more in this week’s funny fact file!

The issue comes with a free inflatable Supreme Dalek.

What else?

Posters: A Weeping Angel, the Tenth Doctor and a deadly Dalek!
News: Info about the Easter special.
Survival guide: What to do if you meet a Slitheen.
Make it!: A Cyber piñata!
Tales from the TARDIS: A scary scene from The Fires of Pompeii.
Puzzles and competitions: Things to win and puzzles to solve!
Comic strip: The Doctor and Heather land on an alien world.
Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get an amazing Doctor Who book!
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 109, priced £2.10, is out now. Don’t miss it!

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