Thursday 9 April 2009

Doctor Who Adventures 110

Dress up like the Doctor with Doctor Who Adventures magazine!

This week’s bumper issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out on Thursday 9 April, will prepare you for this weekend’s special episode, Planet of the Dead.

Check out a preview of the new adventure. Who is the mysterious Christina? What is a London bus doing on an alien world? And what about the creepy new aliens that look like big flies?!

You’ll also find a competition to win loads of Doctor Who DVDs (containing 21 stories in total!) plus an LCD television with built-in DVD player.

The issue comes with a dress-up-like-the Doctor kit – including everything you need to look like your favourite Time Lord. There’s a TARDIS key, sonic screwdriver, glasses and tie! Make sure you’re dressed as the Doctor while watching the Easter special.

What else?

o Posters: Planet of the Dead, the TARDIS, the Doctor in Silence in the Library, the Ood
o Fact file: 21 amazing facts about the Doctor!
o Survival guide: What to do if you meet a Slitheen.
o Tales from the TARDIS: Davros tests out the Reality Bomb – look out!
o Puzzles and competitions: Fun things to work out and win!
o Comic strip: Danger on the planet Tranquility.
o Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get an amazing Doctor Who book!

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 110, priced £2.75, is out Thursday. It’s essential reading for young fans of monsters and time travel.

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