Wednesday 15 April 2009

BBC Cymru Wales announces new Doctor Who producers

BBC Press Office
BBC Wales has announced three key appointments to its flagship production Doctor Who as the new series starring the 11th Doctor, Matt Smith, prepares for shooting.

Tracie Simpson (producer of Doctor Who: Planet Of The Dead) and Peter Bennett (producer of the forthcoming Torchwood series) have been appointed as producers on the multi-award winning BBC One show.

Beth Willis, producer of the hugely popular and award-winning BBC drama series Ashes To Ashes, will join new Lead Writer Steven Moffat and Piers Wenger as an executive producer.

Willis will work closely with Bennett and Simpson – both veterans of the BBC One drama – on the day-to-day running of the new series as part of her executive role. She will combine her role on Doctor Who with work across a range of other BBC Wales dramas.

The appointment of the new team marks the start of a new chapter in the life of the series. Pre-production begins next month with shooting due to get underway later in the summer in and around the Cardiff area.

Doctor Who Lead Writer and Executive Producer Steven Moffat said: "Beth and Tracie and Pete aren't the A Team, they're the people the A Team call. Tracie and Pete are the backstage stars of Doctor Who and having them on board as producers isn't just the best possible news for Matt Smith's first series, it's a massive relief.

"And Beth Willis, fresh from the brilliant Ashes To Ashes, is joining Piers and I as an executive so finally there'll be someone to wear the trousers."

BBC Wales Head of Drama Piers Wenger said: "Having Beth, Pete and Tracie on board is nothing short of thrilling. In their time on the show, Tracie and Pete have worked miracles. Joining forces with a talent like Beth will ensure that Doctor Who remains one of the most exciting and, frankly, formidable production teams around."

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