Wednesday 6 May 2009

John Barrowman talks 'Who' return

Digital Spy
As suspected I'm strictly forbidden from saying pretty much anything about Torchwood: Children Of Earth until.. ooh, I'm guessing, maybe the first week of June or so.

What I will say though is that you will absolutely be not disappointed - there's terror, there's conspiracy, there's humour, there's a bit of snogging and there's heaps of action. Enough now though. More soon - watch this space.

To make up for the lack of fresh intel I present to you a brief snippet from my interview with John Barrowman. Here, I grill him on the possibility of a return to Doctor Who for David Tennant's last two episodes. The key part is his comment about not having seen a script and my response to that!

Torchwood: Children Of Earth airs from next month on BBC One.

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