Wednesday 13 May 2009

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 115

In this week’s Doctor Who Adventures magazine…

Look out for the monsters voted the scariest ever by readers of Doctor Who Adventures – the Weeping Angels. You’ll also find out the nine runners-up in our scariest monster top 10.

The issue has a tall cover, with a scary scene from Doctor Who inside featuring these fearful Weeping Angels. There’s a terrifying fact file to read and a hideous Angel mask for you to cut out and frighten your friends with, too.

The FREE gift this issue is an inflatable Angel – blow it up and stand well back! Remember not to blink at it.

All this, plus…

Posters: Sally Sparrow, the Doctor and an Angel, a Cyberman and Dalek Sec.
Attack of the Stingrays: Trouble for Christina and the Doctor as they race away from hungry monsters in an exciting photo story.
Terror Through time: The Sontarans.
Understanding aliens: Find out how the Doctor and his friends can understand strange languages.
Puzzles and competitions: Things to work out and win, including the latest Doctor Who DVDs and Star Trek toys.
Comic strip: A dangerous cat is on the loose…
Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get a Cyberman stationery set!
Doctor Who Adventures, issue 115, priced £2.10, is out Thursday 14 May. Blink and you’ll miss it.

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