Wednesday 27 May 2009

Doctor Who Adventures issue 117

Get a fantastic set of Doctor Who magnets and stickers!

In a special psychic issue, Doctor Who Adventures looks at the seriously spooky people we’ve met in the series and we ponder what’s next for the Doctor…

Plus, we’ve got ten of the best companions in Doctor Who! Who do you think is number one?

All this and…

Exclusive posters!
Create your own psychic paper
Monster survival guide
Loads of facts
Comic strip action
Puzzles and competitions - cool prizes up for grabs!
Subscription offer - subscribe today and get a free gift.
Doctor Who Adventures,issue 117, priced £2.10, is out on Thursday 28 May. Essential reading for all Doctor Who fans!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I will definitely be purchasing this issue!

    Miss Gallifrey
    The Bad Wolf TV
