Tuesday 29 September 2009

Doctor Who Series 5 Filming News

Filming for the fifth series of Doctor Who continued today in Cardiff, mainly around the location of 'The White House' in Llandaff Green, with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and guest-star Annette Crosbie all spotted on set. The picture above shows the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, hurrying into the house wearing the Tenth Doctor's costume covered up by a dressing gown, which suggests that this is currently the first episode of the series being filmed. 76 Totters Lane also have more photos from the filming, and they also report that filming took place early this morning in Bute Park, Cardiff with Karen Gillan aka Amy Pond dressed as a Police Officer! The actor's trailers were also seen on location and the names read 'Mandy', 'Peter the Winder', 'Jeff' and 'Director'.

Thanks to all who reported and took photos! Take a look at more photos from Alun Vega (Thanks for the pic above!) and 76 Totters Lane, who also have more set reports and pictures!

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