Thursday 17 September 2009

David Tennant - Dream Headteacher

In a survey carried out by the National College for the Leadership of Schools and Children's Services to find out who would be 9 - 11 year olds favourite teacher and the results show that at number one is everyone's favourite timelord, David Tennant! He beat off competition from Barack Obama, JK Rowling, Cheryl Cole, David Beckham, Will Smith, Michelle Obama, Alan Sugar, Lewis Hamilton, Alan Shearer, Jamie Oliver, Rebecca Adlington, Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham and Jamie Redknapp.

The National College's chief executive, Steve Munby, said: "Being a head is a tough but extremely rewarding job, but you don't need to be a Time Lord to make a difference to children's lives. "I'm not surprised to see David Tennant at the top of the list, alongside positive feedback about their own heads, who are obviously role models in their own right."

Once again David Tennant's popularity is proved, and how much we'll miss him when he's gone!

(Source: The Guardian)

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