Wednesday 30 September 2009

Doctor Who Filming Row

The fifth series of Doctor Who is currently being filmed Llandaff's Cathedral Green, and the owner of a local bookstore on the high street, Pete Hall, is objecting to the filming saying:

“We received a letter from the location manager late last week informing us that they are setting up and filming on the village green for an entire week and will be restricting parking between 8am and 7pm at night. “When I read it my heart sank. “As a small shop fighting for our very existence due to the difficult economic climate, the thought of all those outdoor vehicles blocking our already choked traffic system and frightening our customers away is too much to bear. “Traders here do their very best to create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere to entice the public to brave the traffic problems in the area and visit us, so this feels like the last straw.”

“It is our 30th anniversary in the book trade soon but sadly I cannot see us celebrating 31 years next year. “I suggest that the next time the BBC makes a decision to produce a drama in a busy city area like this, they should spare a thought for self-employed and stressed shopkeepers who are working hard to serve our customers and stay in business.”

In response, a BBC spokesperson said:
“We regularly film on location around Wales and take great care to ensure that disruption is kept to a minimum. “We realise that filming sometimes causes inconvenience for people locally and we very much appreciate the support we get when we are on location.”

I completely understand what this bloke is saying, but does he not realise that he's lucky enough to have the greatest show in the world filmed on his own doorstep? If anything, the bookshop would certainly benefit from the filming in both the short and long term!

(Source: Wales Online)

(Picture: Alun Vega)

Quote Of The Day - Davros

"There you are mistaken, Doctor. I am known as the Great Healer. A somewhat flippant title, perhaps, but not without foundation. I have conquered the diseases that brought their victims here. In every way, I have complied with the wishes of those who came in anticipation of one day being returned to life."
- Davros, Revelation of the Daleks.

Doctor Who: Dreamland - Writer Phil Ford on Colonel Stark

Sheridan Smith In Benidorm

With the Eighth Doctor and Lucie Miller going their separate ways, actress Sheridan Smith will guest-star in the latest installment of comedy from the new series of Benidorm, which starts this Friday at 9pm on ITV1. Smith stars in the first episode of the series, alongside Steve Pemberton aka Mr Lux (Silence in the Library, Forest of the Dead) who plays 'Mick' in the Comedy series. The actress will leave the role of Lucy Miller in the Big Finish audio story 'The Death of Blackpool', which will is due for release in December 2009.

(Heads-up - CoT)

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Sao Til's Official SIte

Star of the Tonight's The Night Doctor Who Scene, evil alien Sao Til, aka Tim Ingham now has his own official site, which includes videos of the event; an in-depth account of his time filming the scene; lots of behind the scenes info; a link to his blog and much more. Also, the most watched version of the scene on YouTube, which has just passed 100,00 views, was uploaded by me to Doctor Who Time Vortex's YouTube channel, also gets a mention in the video section of the website! View Sao Til's website here.

Quote Of The Day - Ninth Doctor

"And I bet you're fussing and moaning now, typical. But hold on, and just listen a bit more. The TARDIS can never return from here. Emergency Programme One means I'm facing an enemy that should never get their hands on this machine. So this is what you should do: let the TARDIS die. Just let this old box gather dust, no-one can open it, no-one will even notice it. Let it become a strange little thing standing on a street corner. And over the years, the world will move on, and the box will be buried. And if you wanna remember me, then you can do one thing. That's all, one thing. Have a good life. Do that for me, Rose. Have a fantastic life."
- Ninth Doctor, The Parting of the Ways.

Doctor Who Series 5 Filming News

Filming for the fifth series of Doctor Who continued today in Cardiff, mainly around the location of 'The White House' in Llandaff Green, with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and guest-star Annette Crosbie all spotted on set. The picture above shows the Eleventh Doctor, Matt Smith, hurrying into the house wearing the Tenth Doctor's costume covered up by a dressing gown, which suggests that this is currently the first episode of the series being filmed. 76 Totters Lane also have more photos from the filming, and they also report that filming took place early this morning in Bute Park, Cardiff with Karen Gillan aka Amy Pond dressed as a Police Officer! The actor's trailers were also seen on location and the names read 'Mandy', 'Peter the Winder', 'Jeff' and 'Director'.

Thanks to all who reported and took photos! Take a look at more photos from Alun Vega (Thanks for the pic above!) and 76 Totters Lane, who also have more set reports and pictures!

Doctor Who Magazine Special 23: Sarah Jane Smith

The cover for the next Doctor Who Magazine Special edition, which will be released on Thursday 1st October 2009 has been revealed on Doctor Who Magazine's Facebook page and can be seen above. Obviously, this issue is dedicated to none other than Sarah Jane Smith, and her spin-off series 'The Sarah Jane Adventures'! This issue will feature 100 pages packed with unseen photos, info and a in-depth interview with Sarah Jane herself, Elisabeth Sladen!

Billie Piper's New Role

Billie Piper, aka Rose Tyler in Doctor Who, is to make a return to the BBC in a TV version of Kay Mellor's successful stage play, A Passionate Woman. Piper will play a young wife and mother who has a relationship with a Polish Neighbour in 1950s Leeds. The drama also sees Billie playing the main character 'Betty' during various stages in her life, including both the 1950s and 1980s. The programme starts filming in Leeds this month and will be broadcast on BBC One in 2010.

(Source: BBC News)

Monday 28 September 2009

The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith Synopsis

The BBC have released the synopsis for the upcoming Sarah Jane Adventures story 'The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith', which will guest star David Tennant as the Doctor and Nigel Havers as Peter Dalton along with the regular cast of Elisabeth Sladen, Thomas Knight, Daniel Anthony and Anjli Mohindra as Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith, Clyde Langer and Rani Chandra. The story will be broadcast on 29th & 30th October 2009 at 4.35pm on BBC One. The synopsis can be read below;

Overall story summary: "Sarah Jane has met Peter Dalton and wants him to become part of her life; to become a father to Luke perhaps. But Clyde thinks Peter is hiding a secret or two of his own, especially when he and Rani find an empty house where Peter says his home should be..."

Part one summary: "The Doctor returns on the happiest day of Sarah Jane's life - but a deadly trap is waiting for them all! As the strands of a clever and careful plan draw together, can even a Time Lord save Sarah Jane, on the day of her arch-enemy's greatest triumph?"

Part two summary: "The Doctor joins the battle - but is it too late to save both Sarah Jane and the Earth itself? As the power of the Pantheon of Discord grows in strength, the old friends are separated across different time zones, and must fight to save each other - but for one, there's a terrible price to pay."

(Source: Digital Spy)

Androvax of the Veil Reveled!

The Judoon's enemy in the upcoming SJA story 'Prisoner of the Judoon' have been revealed in the new teaser trailer for the third series, and a picture can be seen above. The name of the reptilian creature is called Androvax of the Veil and it looks set to be a brilliant monster! I will certainly looking to seeing this monster in the series as I was slightly disappointed to find out that the new Raxicoricofallapatorians, the Blathereen, are only Orange Slitheen! This monster has also been described as a 'body-snatching alien scumbag'!

Quote Of The Day - Third Doctor

"Well I'll tell you something that should be of vital interest to you, professor - that you sir are a nitwit!"
- Third Doctor, Inferno.

Sarah Jane Adventures - Prisoner of the Judoon (Series 3) Trailer

David Tennant In SJA - Frist Look

The BBC have released 3 new images from the Doctor's appearance in SJA which can be seen below as well as a short trailer for the first story of the series 'Prisoner of the Judoon' which can be seen here, as part of the BBC's Autumn CBBC schedule. A promo pic for the series can also be seen below. And just to round off, Digital Spy have an interview with Elisabeth Sladen which can be read here.

(Source: BBC Press Office, Digital Spy)

Sunday 27 September 2009

Tony Blair regenerates into David Tennant on Dead Ringers

Quote Of The Day - Owen Harper

"Look I've shared cars with women before, I know what'll happen, there's an emergency, all raring to go, I jump in, what do I find? Seat's in the wrong position, rear view mirrors out of line, steering wheel's in my crotch. By time I've sorted all that out, aliens will've taken Newport!"
- Owen Harper, Cyberwoman.

John Simm Interview

John Simm was a guest on yesterday's edition of the Jonathan Ross BBC Radio 2 Show, and he briefly talks about reprising the role of the Master in Doctor Who. The interview can be heard here on the BBC iPlayer for the next 7 days, or an international version of the interview can be heard here.

Saturday 26 September 2009

Dr Who - Bernard Cribbins (1966)

Quote Of The Day - Donna Noble

"Listen, Sister. You may have eyes on the back of your hands; but you'll have eyes on the back of your head by the time I'm finished with you! Let me GO!"
- Donna Noble, The Fires of Pompeii.

Dreamland/Prisoner of the Judoon Crossover

At the screening of the Sarah Jane Adventures 'Prisoner of the Judoon' in London last night, head writer of the series, Phil Ford and writer of the upcoming Doctor Who Animation 'Dreamland' exclusively revealed to SFX that the series opener of SJA has a direct link to the events in 'Dreamland'. Ford also revealed at the event that the next Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars, is "the scariest Doctor Who ever!". A trailer for SJA series three was also shown at the Q&A session which featured a glimpse of the Tenth Doctor in action!

(Source: SFX)

Friday 25 September 2009

Doctor Who: Sarah Jane and Davros

Quote Of The Day - Elton Pope

"When you're a kid, they tell you it's all... grow up. Get a job. Get married. Get a house. Have a kid, and that's it. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better."
- Elton Pope, Love & Monsters.

Elisabeth Sladen Interview

Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane) has been interviewed by SFX for an upcoming interview on the third series of the Sarah Jane Adventures, and a preview has been published on the SFX website. It can be read below;

Episodes one and two
“Prisoner Of The Judoon” by Phil Ford.
“I love one and two, because I’m evil Sarah Jane, and I absolutely relished it – it’s great! I said to Phil Ford, ‘Why did you think I could do that?’ and he said, ‘It’s something you did or said last year’, so I thought ‘Oh… They do listen!”

Episodes three and four
“The Mad Woman In The Attic” by Joseph Lidster
“Three and four my husband [Brian Miller] is in, which is brilliant. That was in the rain on Barry Island. If you’ve ever been on Barry Island, with or without rain, you would remember it. I got a chest infection on Barry Island! You look at it and you don’t see the terrible weather we had - it was a nightmare for poor Alice [Troughton, the director], it really was. And for the lighting guy. And of course this year we’re in HD for the first time. It’s a different kind of look and it looks so expensive – it’s wonderful, I’m so thrilled with it.”

Episodes five and six
“The Wedding Of Sarah Jane Smith” by Gareth Roberts
“A great story. It’s by my lovely Gareth – he’s lovely because he knows Sarah so well, he knows Doctor Who so well. He puts little things in sometimes, where I look up from a read-through and maybe only he and I and Russell and someone else will spot them! It’s really nice to have those little moments.”

Episodes seven and eight
“The Eternity Trap” by Phil Ford
“The haunted house one is incredibly scary - I mean I even screech in it when something happens! Danny [Anthony, who plays Clyde] went to the loo and he wouldn’t look in the mirror - when he came back out from washing his hands, he flew out!”

Issue 190 of SFX is on sale from Wednesday 18th November and the full interview with Elisabeth Sladen can be read in there - buy it!

Thursday 24 September 2009

John Barrowman on Torchwood - Series 4

John Barrowman, Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who and Torchwood, has been interviewed for the latest podcast from The Stage. In the podcast, Barrowman reveals that he is currently in talks for a fourth series of Torchwood! Click here to download the podcast.

Doctor Who - Dalek War DVD Boxset Trailer

Quote Of The Day - Toby Zed

[possessed by the Beast] "I shall never die! The thought of me is forever, in the bleeding hearts of men, in their vanity and obsessions and lust! Nothing shall ever destroy me! Nothing!"
- Toby Zed, The Satan Pit.

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 134

Extra adventures! Doctor Who Adventures takes a look at all the mini adventures the Doctor has experienced over the years, from the Attack of the Graske to Time Crash.

The Doctor has travelled to many exciting places on his adventures. This week’s Top 10 is all about the best planets he’s visited, but which will be number one? The countdown includes Gallifrey, the Ood Sphere and Midnight.

Find out how well you know the Weeping Angels in this week’s quiz. But remember not to blink while doing it!This week’s favourite scene takes us back to the first time Rose steps inside the TARDIS. All this and…

• Free Doctor Who gift!
• 3 fantastic posters
• Puzzles and competitions - Create a new gadget for the doctor. The winner’s invention will be used by the Doctor in a future comic strip.
• Subscription offer – subscribe today and save a fantastic 40%

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 134, priced £2.10, is in shops on Thursday 24 September! The perfect magazine for young Doctor Who fans!

Doctor Who: Dreamland - Stark Designs

SJA Prisoner of the Judoon - Synopsis

The BBC Press Office have issued the synopsis and broadcast times for SJA - Prisoner of the Judoon parts 1 & 2. It can be read below;

Prisoner of the Judoon - Part 1

Thursday 15 October
4.35-5.00pm BBC ONE

Investigative journalist Sarah Jane Smith, one-time companion to The Doctor, is back for a third series of alien-busting adventures, from creator Russell T Davies, which also features a special appearance from The Doctor himself, David Tennant, who stars in two episodes. Sarah Jane is accompanied by her adopted son, Luke, his streetwise pal, Clyde Langer, their schoolmate, Rani, who lives opposite and has aspirations to become a journalist like Sarah Jane, and their Xylok super computer in the attic, Mr Smith. Sarah Jane's robot dog, K-9, also joins the gang on their adventures.

In the first of this two-part adventure, Sarah Jane and the gang face the most dangerous day of their lives, as the rhino-like Judoon return. When prisoner Androvax the Destroyer crash-lands on Earth, a Veil is set free and starts to turn Earth's technology against itself. And his next intended victim is Sarah Jane. The series also features an extraterrestrial girl who can make people play games against their will; a living painting; the inhabitants of a supposedly haunted house; and monsters who want to infect Earth with a strangely aggressive weed. Finally, there is a chance for Sarah Jane to find personal happiness with someone who could be the perfect person to complete her family. A brand-new website accompanies the third series, complete with a trailer maker, monster hunt, video diaries from the cast, web games and exclusive behind-the-scenes videos.

Prisoner of the Judoon - Part 2

Friday 16 October
4.35-5.00pm BBC ONE

Luke, Clyde and Rani fight their most fearsome enemy yet – Sarah Jane Smith – in the second episode of this two-part, alien-busting adventure. As the Judoon fleet approaches Earth, it's a race against time to stop Androvax. But with Genetech's technology on the rampage, and Rani's parents taken prisoner, can anything stop the Army of the Infinitesimal? Luke is played by Thomas Knight, Clyde by Daniel Anthony, Rani by Anjli Mohindra and Sarah Jane by Elisabeth Sladen.

(Source: BBC Press Office)

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Doctor Who Series 4 - Ultimate EPIC Trailer EXTENDED!!

Quote Of The Day - Charles Dickens

"I've always railed against the fantasist. Oh, I loved an illusion as much as the next man, revelled in them. But that's exactly what they were. Illusions. The real world is something else. I dedicated myself to that, injustices, the great social causes. I hoped that I was a force for good. Now, you tell me that the real world is a realm of spectres and jack-o-lanterns. In which case, have I wasted my brief span here, Doctor? Has it all been for nothing?"
- Charles Dickens, The Unquiet Dead.

Nigel Havers - Alien In SJA

Actor Nigel Havers, who will be appearing in the upcoming Sarah Jane Adventures story 'The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith', playing Sarah Jane's boyfriend whom she will be getting married to, has revealed in an interview that he's playing an alien! Havers said the following;

"I’m playing an alien in The Sarah Jane Adventures. I had a great time. It was fantastic seeing Doctor Who and the Tardis."

As the Trickster is rumoured to be appearing in this story, presumably Havers will be playing him - before he reveals his true colours!

Doctor Who Blue Peter Competition

The Blue Peter press release for Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th October suggests that the show will give the chance for one viewer to design a new TARDIS Console for series 5 of Doctor Who, fuelling rumors of a new TARDIS interior. The press release says the following;

Back in the studio, they launch a Doctor Who competition, which will see one lucky viewer design a Tardis console that will feature in the new series.

Other past Doctor Who/Blue Peter projects have included designing a monster which would appear in an episode, and the chance to appear in the show.

John Barrowman & June Whitfield On The Paul O'Grady Show

Non-stop John Barroman, and Minnie Hooper herself, actress June Whitfield, will both be appearing on this Firday's edition of the Paul O'Grady Show at 5pm on Channel 4. They will also be appearing in David Tennant's final episodes at Christmas as Captain Jack Harkness and Wilfred Mott's good friend, Minnie Hooper.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

Doctor Who Night - Pitch of Fear

Quote Of The Day - Susan Foreman

"It’s ages since we’ve seen our planet. It’s quite like Earth... but at night the sky is a burnt orange, and the leaves on the trees are bright silver."
- Susan Foreman, The Sensorites.

Doctor Who Mind of Evil To Be Colourised

It was announced at this weekend's fan convention in Swansea that the 1971 Doctor Who story, Mind of Evil, which currently exists in black and white, is to be colourised for an upcoming DVD release in 2010! The story was originally transmitted in colour, but the tapes were re-used for other productions and only black and white copies were retained for overseas sales and BBC's archive. It is also rumoured that Nicholas Courtney, who stars as the Brigadier in the story, has taken part in an audio commentary.

(Source: Doctor Who News Page)

Happy Birthday Billie Piper!

Billie Piper, probably best known for playing Rose Tyler in Doctor Who is 27 today! Happy Birthday Billie!

Doctor Who: Dreamland - Russell T Davies & Julie Gardner Q&A - Part 3

Monday 21 September 2009

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 133

REVEALED: The ultimate shape-changer.

Doctor Who Adventures runs down the top 10 shape-changers, but who will come top?

Flash back to the 1920s for a monster murder mystery with this week’s story guide: The Unicorn and the Wasp. A murder investigation, a beastly bug and best-selling author Agatha Christie, the perfect combination for a great Doctor Who adventure.

This week’s Doctor Data is Sarah Jane Adventures’ Mr Smith – find out where he came from and how he once helped a shape-changing Slitheen!

Doomfinger features in this week’s favourite scene as we go back to 1599 London and The Shakespeare Code.

All this and…

Three fantastic sticker sets of your favourite Who characters
Learn how to become a Time Agent
3 brilliant posters
Puzzles and competitions – Doctor Who DVDs to be won plus other prizes and puzzles
Subscription offer – subscribe today and save a fantastic 40%

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 133, priced £2.10, is in shops on Thursday 17 September!

Grab your copy today before it changes into another shape!

Tom Baker Interviewed By Jon Culshaw

Quote Of The Day - Gwen Cooper

"There's something I always meant to ask Jack. Back in the old days. I wanted to know about that Doctor of his. The man who appears out of nowhere and saves the world except sometimes he doesn't. All those times in history and there was no sign of him. I wanted to know why not. But I don't need to ask anymore. I know the answer now. Sometimes the Doctor must look at this planet, and turn away in shame. I'm recording this in case anyone ever finds it, so you can see. You can see how the world ended."
- Gwen Cooper, Torchwood: Children of Earth.

Doctor Who Wins British Fantasy Society Award

Doctor Who has won the best TV programme award from the British Fantasy Society at the FantastyCon Convention which took place at Nottingham's Britannica hotel this weekend. The award was accepted by Dalek writer Rob Shearman who paid tribute to Doctor Who's executive producers Russell T Davies & Julie Gardner. Shearman also revealed that people 'laughed' when he initially told them Doctor Who was going to be revived - how things have changed...

(Source: Digital Spy)

Sheridan Smith To Leave Big Finish

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine has announced that the eighth Doctor's Big Finish companion, Lucie Miller, played by Sheridan Smith, will leave in the story Death of Blackpool, an upcoming Big Finish production due for release in December 2009. The following story, Situation Vacant, sees the Doctor auditioning for a new companion. Executive producer Nick Briggs tells DWM: "It may seem strange to begin the season with Lucie's exit, but we've some interesting twists and turns planned."

DWM 413 is out now!

Sunday 20 September 2009

The Ultimate Doctor Who Title Mix

Quote Of The Day - Fifth Doctor

"That's the trouble with regeneration. You never quite know what you're going to get."
- Fifth Doctor, Castrovalva.

Sarah Jane Adventures Series 2 Boxset

Life on Earth can be an adventure too! Get ready for more danger, mystery and wonder as incomparable Sarah Jane Smith returns for a second series of the spectacular, thrilling children’s drama from the makers of Doctor Who and Torchwood! When Sarah’s adopted son, Luke, first became part of Sarah Jane’s life, he encountered a world of adventure – not just of dangerous aliens bent on invasion and destruction, but also an amazing world of wonder and excitement which showed him that the universe really is an amazing place. This is something that Sarah Jane is keen to keep from Bannerman Road, and Series Two’s newest addition, fourteen-year-old Rani Chandra and her parents Gita and Haresh. But sparky Rani is a wannabe journalist and, like Sarah Jane, is not the type to let a mystery go unsolved!

Release Date: 09/11/09
RRP: £12:99
Pre-order from

Torchwood Series 1 - 3 Boxset

Set in modern-day Cardiff, Torchwood stars John Barrowman as Captain Jack from Doctor Who. Captain Jack and a group of renegade criminal investigators are charged by the British government to find and retrieve alien technology and respond to any extra-terrestrial threats posed to Earth! Includes series one, two and Children Of Earth!

Release Date: 26/10/09
RRP: £59.99
Pre-order from

Saturday 19 September 2009

Torchwood 2010 Calendar Cover & Info

Hot on the heels of Dr Who, Torchwood is hot property, with the BBC dedicating a week long story line for it's growing army of fans. Si-Fi for grown ups, plan an alien free year ahead with a Danilo calendar & a little help from the Cardiff crusaders.

Format: 305mmX305mm
Released: 11/09/2009

Pre-order from Danilo
RRP: £7.99

Quote Of The Day - Gas Mask Zombies

"Mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy, mummy."
- Gas Mask Zombies, The Doctor Dances.

Doctor Who Series 1 - 4 Box Set Cover & Details

Series 1: Christopher Eccleston's Doctor is wise and funny, cheeky and brave. An alien and a loner (it's difficult keeping up with friends when your day job involves flitting through time and space), his detached logic gives him a vital edge when the world's in danger. But when it comes to human relationships, he can be found wanting. That's why he needs new assistant Rose.

Rose (Billie Piper) is a shop-girl from the present day. From the moment they meet, the Doctor and Rose are soulmates. They understand and complement each other. As they travel together through time, encountering new adversaries, the Doctor shows her things beyond imagination. She starts out as an innocent, unfettered by worldly concerns. But she ends up an adventurer who, by the end of the series, can never go home again...

Series 2: The complete second series featuring David Tennant as the tenth 'regenerated' Doctor Who. In 'The Christmas Invasion' Christmas trees and seasonal Santa Claus impersonators begin wreaking havoc on the residents of London. Meanwhile the TARDIS lands on Earth with a new Doctor aboard. The Doctor is not yet fully recovered from regeneration. An invasion of the planet threatens mankind and there's only the Prime Minister to battle it out.

Series 3: The third series of Doctor Who is full of new thrills, new laughs, new heartbreak and some terrifying new monsters. From the moment the Doctor walks into the life of medical student Martha Jones he changes it forever.

Series 4: David Tennant is back in his role as the Doctor in the fourth series of the hit sci-fi show! Award-winning comedienne Catherine Tate returns as the Doctor's new companion, reviving her role as Donna Noble. Also on hand to help the Doctor are some familiar faces as he has the New Dalek Empire to stop!

Release Date: 26/10/2009
RRP: £89.99
Pre-order from

Doctor Who: Dreamland - Exclusive! Meet Colonel Stark!

Friday 18 September 2009

Every Jelly Baby Scene - Doctor Who

Quote Of The Day - Fourth Doctor

[from top of air shaft to Daleks in pursuit] "If you're supposed to be the superior race of the universe, why don't you try climbing after us? Bye-bye!"
- Fourth Doctor, Destiny of the Daleks.

Sarah Jane Adventures - The Wedding of Sarah Jane - Book Cover & Info

Below is the cover and some details for the novelised version of the upcoming SJA story 'The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith' which will feature David Tennant, Elisabeth Sladen and Nigel Havers. The TV version will be broadcast on 29th & 30th October 2009, and the novelisation is published on 5th November 2009.

Sarah Jane is acting very suspiciously. When Luke, Clyde and Rani investigate, with the help of Mr Smith and K-9, they discover something unexpected - Sarah Jane has a boyfriend and she's going to marry him! Of course, in Sarah Jane's life, things are not always as they seem and some very special wedding guests ensure this is one day she will never forget!

(Source: Penguin Books)

Gareth David-Lloyd In 'Girl Number 9'

Moving on from the role of Ianto Jones in Torchwood, Gareth David-Lloyd is to star in a new online series called 'Girl Number 9'. He plays Detective Matherson, who is leading the investigation into the murder of seven girls along with his boss Lyndon, actress Tracy-Ann Oberman (Doctor Who, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday). The series is co-written by Doctor Who and Torchwood writer James Moran. It consists of six five-minute episodes, which will premier exclusively on the Internet on 30th October 2009.

View the press release here.
Follow on Twitter here.

Thursday 17 September 2009

Sarah Jane Adventures - Grow Up

Quote Of The Day - Cassandra

"Oh now, don't stare. I know. I know. It's shocking, isn't it? I've had my chin completely taken away. And look at the difference! Look how thin I am. Thin and dainty. I don't look a day over two thousand."
- Cassandra, The End of the World.

'The Mighty 200!' - Results

The results for Doctor Who Magazine's 'Mighty 200!' poll were published in this month's issue which is out from today. The results can be seen below;

1 - The Caves of Androzani

2 - Blink

3 - Genesis of the Daleks

4 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang

5 - The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances

6 - Human Nature/The Family of Blood

7 - Pyramids of Mars

8 - City of Death

9 - The Robots of Death

10 - Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways

11 - The Girl in the Fireplace

12 - Turn Left

13 - The Stolen Earth/Journey's End

14 - Remembrence of the Daleks

15 - Dalek

16 - The Seeds of Doom

17 - Terror of the Zygons

18 - The Evil of the Daleks

19 - Earthshock

20 - The Deadly Assasin

21 - The Power of the Daleks

22 - Army of Ghosts/Doomsday

23 - The Web of Fear

24 - Silence in the Libary/Forest of the Dead

25 - The Tomb of the Cybermen

26 - Horror on Fang Rock

27 - Utopia/Sound of Drums/Last of the Timelords

28 - The Ark in Space

29 - The War Games

30 - The Curse of Fenric

31 - The Invasion

32 - Inferno

33 - School Reunion

34 - The Daemons

35 - The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit

36 - Spearhead from Space

37 - The Mutants (aka The Daleks)

38 - The Five Doctors

39 - The Green Death

40 - The Brain of Morbius

41 - Fury from the Deep

42 - The Daleks' Masterplan

43 - Midnight

44 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth

45 - Doctor Who and the Silurians

46 - Revelation of the Daleks

47 - The Time Warrior

48 - The Christmas Invasion

49 - Father's Day

50 - The Sea Devils

51 - Terror of the Autons

52 - Tooth and Claw

53 - Logopolis

54 - The Unquiet Dead

55 - The Tenth Planet

56 - The Fires of Pompeii

57 - The Aztecs

58 - The Three Doctors

59 - The Abominable Snowmen

60 - The Mind Robber

61 - 100,000 BC

62 - Carnival of Monsters

63 - Rose

64 - The Shakespeare Code

65 - Marco Polo

66 - Smith and Jones

67 - The Stones of Blood

68 - Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel

69 - Kinda

70 - The Keeper of Traken

71 - Day of the Daleks

72 - Enlightenment

73 - Image of the Fendhal

74 - Gridlock

75 - The Time Meddler

76 - Ghost Light

77 - The Visitation

78 - The Ice Warriors

79 - Planet of the Ood

80 - Survival

81 - Warriors' Gate

82 - The Curse of Peladon

83 - The Unicorn and the Wasp

84 - Planet of Evil

85 - The Mask of Mandragora

86 - The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve

87 - State of Decay

88 - Castrovalva

89 - Planet of the Spiders

90 - The Ambassadors of Death

91 - The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky

92 - The Mind of Evil

93 - Ressurection of the Daleks

94 - The End of the World

95 - The Androids of Tara

96 - The Hand of Fear

97 - The Romans

98 - Partners on Crime

99 - Planet of the Dead

100 - The Crusade

101 - Full Circle

102 - Mawdryn Undead

103 - The Sontaran Experiment

104 - Frontious

105 - The Ribos Operation

106 - Robot

107 - The Next Doctor

108 - The War Machines

109 - The Pirate Planet

110 - The Awakening

111 - The Seeds of Death

112 - The Moonbase

113 - Frontier in Space

114 - Voyage of the Damned

115 - The Runaway Bride

116 - The Face of Evil

117 - Black Orchid

118 - Planet of the Daleks

119 - The Greatest Show in the Galaxy

120 - Snakedance

121 - Destiny of the Daleks

122 - The Faceless Ones

123 - The Android Invasion

124 - Vengeance on Varos

125 - The Two Doctors

126 - The Myth Makers

127 - The Rescue

128 - Death to the Daleks

129 - The Claws of the Axos

130 - Revenge of the Cybermen

131 - Invasion of the Dinosaurs

132 - Aliens of London/World War Three

133 - Mission to the Unknown

134 - Planet of Fire

135 - Doctor Who (the 1996 TV Movie)

136 - 42

137 - The Macra Terror

138 - The Idiot's Lantern

139 - The Enemy of the World

140 - The Doctor's Daughter

141 - Boom Town

142 - The Trial of a Timelord

143 - New Earth

144 - The Reign of Terror

145 - The Highlanders

146 - Battlefield

147 - The Sun Makers

148 - The Mark of the Rani

149 - The Leisure Hive

150 - The Lazarus Experiment

151 - The Celestial Toymaker

152 - Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks

153 - Love & Monsters

154 - The Ark

155 - The Invasion of Time

156 - The Wheel in Space

157 - The Chase

158 - Inside the Spaceship

159 - The Smugglers

160 - The Keys of Marinus

161 - Attack of the Cybermen

162 - The Savages

163 - Planet of Giants

164 - The Invisible Enemy

165 - The Long Game

166 - The Krotons

167 - Nightmare of Eden

168 - The Armageddon Factor

169 - Terminus

170 - The Happiness Patrol

171 - Colony in Space

172 - Galaxy 4

173 - Four to Doomsday

174 - The Power of Kroll

175 - The Gunfighters

176 - Silver Nemesis

177 - Arc of Infinity

178 - The Web Planet

179 - The Monster of Peladon

180 - Delta and the Bannerman

181 - The King's Demons

182 - The Mutants

183 - The Sensorites

184 - The Creature from the Pit

185 - Warriors of the Deep

186 - Dragonfire

187 - The Time Monster

188 - Meglos

189 - The Horns of Nimon

190 - The Space Museum

191 - The Dominators

192 - Fear Her

193 - Paradise Towers

194 - The Underwater Menace

195 - The Space Pirates

196 -Time-Flight

197 - Underworld

198 - Time and the Rani

199 - Timelash

200 - The Twin Dilemma

David Tennant - Dream Headteacher

In a survey carried out by the National College for the Leadership of Schools and Children's Services to find out who would be 9 - 11 year olds favourite teacher and the results show that at number one is everyone's favourite timelord, David Tennant! He beat off competition from Barack Obama, JK Rowling, Cheryl Cole, David Beckham, Will Smith, Michelle Obama, Alan Sugar, Lewis Hamilton, Alan Shearer, Jamie Oliver, Rebecca Adlington, Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham and Jamie Redknapp.

The National College's chief executive, Steve Munby, said: "Being a head is a tough but extremely rewarding job, but you don't need to be a Time Lord to make a difference to children's lives. "I'm not surprised to see David Tennant at the top of the list, alongside positive feedback about their own heads, who are obviously role models in their own right."

Once again David Tennant's popularity is proved, and how much we'll miss him when he's gone!

(Source: The Guardian)