Friday 12 June 2009

Torchwood’s Eve Myles Looks Forward to ‘Children’

Eve Myles is going from tangling with extraterrestrials to raising a human. In addition to starring in this summer’s Torchwood mini-series, “Children of Earth,” she’s expecting her first child.

“I’d been looking forward to it for a while,” Myles told “But after doing Doctor Who, I had job after job — including the three seasons of Torchwood. There wasn’t time. So [my partner and I] decided to go ahead after we finished filming this last wonderful season.”

And before fans panic over that quote, Myles meant the latest season of the Doctor Who spinoff about the alien investigators who work for the Torchwood Institute. While she says the five-show “Children of Earth” arc changes Torchwood and pushes the story line forward, it definitely leaves the door open for a fourth season.

The Welsh-born actress arrived on sci-fi fans’ radar during the first season of Russell T. Davies’ relaunch of Doctor Who: Gwen Cooper, her Torchwood character, is a descendant of that Who character in the Davies universe.

Genre fans embraced Myles as the first two seasons of Torchwood drew ever-growing audiences on both sides of the Atlantic. She attended her first convention (New York’s Comic-Con) earlier this year to promote the show’s third season. It was an intense lesson in devotion for the actress.

“It was amazing,” she said. “I didn’t attend San Diego’s Comic-Con the year before, and I had no idea really how popular the show had become in the States. The enthusiasm of the fans can be a little overwhelming at first. But, once I settled in, it was a great time.”

But will Captain Jack (played by John Barrowman) and company have a great time when “Children of Earth” premieres July 20?

Myles says the week-long, five-episode miniseries significantly expands and alters the show’s world. Fans should be used to that idea, as team members Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) and Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori) died at the end of the second season.

“When the third season opens, Gwen, Captain Jack and Ianto (Gareth David-Lloyd) are still mourning the loss of their comrades,” Myles said. “But they’re forced to put that behind them when the new threat arrives.

“The five episodes give us a chance to tell a story much bigger than anything we’ve done before,” she added. “When it’s over, the relationships between the characters and the relationship of Torchwood to the rest of the world are changed.”

As a primer “Children of Earth” primer, Torchwood fans can catch up with Myles and the rest of the cast in a series of radio prequels on BBC4.

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