Friday 12 June 2009

Torchwood: Series 4 - "ready to go"

Den of Geek

Cameron K McEwan

The third series of Torchwood hasn't even aired yet but the next one is prepared. And there's some news about the upcoming episodes...

Last night saw a preview screening of the the first installment of Torchwood: Children of Earth at the National Film Theatre. The episode, titled Day One, was followed by a 'Q & A' with the show's creator, Russell T Davies.

During the session, Davies revealed that the fourth series is "ready to go" but is entirely dependent on how the third series performs. The showrunner also revealed that he would be willing to do the show for the next ten years and wanted more crossovers with its 'parent' show, Doctor Who. RTD also added that The Doctor is mentioned in the last episode of Torchwood: Children of Earth.

So far, early reviews - mainly posted on the social networking site, Twitter - are very positive with words like "awesome" and "brilliant" being bandied about whilst others have suggested that the opening episode is the best hour of Torchwood so far.

No definite date has been set for the UK transmission but Torchwood: Children of Earth will start broadcasting in North America on July 20h. The DVD/Blu-Ray release is set for July 27th.

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