Friday 26 June 2009

Tennant Denies All Knowledge of "The Eleven Doctors"

[Source: SFX]

Seems like the British tabloids are up to their usual tricks. There]s been a rumour doing the rounds that there would be an "Eleven Doctors” mini-episode created for this year’s Children In Need charity event on the BBC, but David Tennant reckons he knows nothing about it.

Interviewed by The Chicago Trubune he says, "It's not something I've heard anything about. And I would have thought they'd be in touch. But that'd be quite a curious way to introduce Matt Smith, I'd have thought they'd wait until his first ["Doctor Who"] story. Not anything I've heard about yet."

He also says that "Planet Of The Dead" would be the last of the lightweight specials: "I think inevitably, because we all know the Tenth Doctor's days are numbered, the storm clouds hang over the last stories. 'Planet of the Dead' is in some ways, the Doctor's last hurrah. He's clearly in a death-defying situation, but he's enjoying himself and having a blast. By the time we come to 'Waters of Mars' things start to happen that mean things can never be quite be the same again. Stuff occurs in 'Waters of Mars' which leads directly into the final story, where the doctor really is on the run from the inevitable, I think it's fair to say. So yes, 'Planet of the Dead' is a bit of a larky one, a bit of a romp, and really, that's the last time we're going to see the Tenth Doctor allowed to have quite so much fun."

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