Friday 24 July 2009

Matt Smith's Costume Reveal & Filming News Round-up

A number of sources are covering the news of Matt Smith's costume reveal and Doctor Who filming on Series 5 starting.

Times Online
Matt Smith's new Doctor Who costume unveiled as filming begins

Sky News

New Doctor Who Star Reveals Time Lord Look

Take a bow: It's Doctor Who's new look - and new companion

The Sun

It's the lord of geek chic

Wired News

Doctor Who Returns to Full-Time Filming With Moffat, Smith

Doctor Who new star Matt Smith reveals the Time Lord's new outfit ...

Wales Online

New Doctor Who Matt Smith lands on Welsh beach

Tweed jacket and bow tie – Dr Who unveils new look

The Age

Doctor Who's new look branded a fashion failure

The Press Association
Doctor Who's new look 'in a time warp'

Glasgow Evening Times

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