Sunday 12 July 2009

The Doctor Lands on the Moon!

The Official Doctor Who site will have a new short story called 'Blue Moon' on 20th July. Details from BBC Doctor Who Website below:

20th July, 2009 marks the 40th anniversary of man first stepping foot on the Moon. The lunar landing was one of humanity's most iconic achievements and to celebrate that remarkable event we have a new story starting soon.

Blue Moon is a completely new adventure that puts the Doctor slap bang in the middle of the first Apollo Moon landing. It was written by Oli Smith and is set during the tumultuous days of 16th, 17th and 20th July, 1969. The 4-part story will run on those dates next week with the first part published on Wednesday, 15th July.

Author Oli Smith explained, 'I didn't want the Doctor to take anything away from the achievements of the Apollo mission, but rather to prevent outside influences, both extra terrestrial and closer to home, from manipulating events for their own ends.'
There's everything you could want from a story set during such a crucial moment in Earth's history - mysterious aliens, sinister US agents, a threat to the future of mankind and, err, BBC Radio 4's The Archers.

Alongside Blue Moon we'll have a feature looking at representations of the Moon in Doctor Who, together with some cracking clips and a new Lunar Gallery.

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