Friday 31 July 2009

The Doctor Who Cast | Greatest Day

Quote Of The Day - Ninth Doctor

"I can feel it: the turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. And the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at 67,000 thousand miles an hour and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world and if we let go... that's who I am. Now forget me, Rose Tyler. Go home."
- Ninth Doctor, Rose.

Torchwood Series 4 Filming?

According to rumours on twitter, filming on Torchwood Series Four will start in February 2010. Tweets from Alun Vega: "News just in, Torchwood starts filming in February [Emma wins the Lois Habiba Award for getting inside information :D ]" and "The TW/February info came via Emma who spoke to people at the Puzzlewood filming tonight. Obviously it's not BBC-confirmed at this point."

This news has come from a member of the Doctor Who Crew filming at Puzzlewood.

The BBC have not yet made an announcement about a fourth series of Torchwood, but a rep from BBC America recently said that the series has been commissioned. Read about that here.

Thursday 30 July 2009

The Fourth Doctor is Back!

The BBC Press Office have released the cover and details for the new audio drama with Tom Baker as the Doctor. Read it below;

Tom Baker returns as the Fourth Doctor in new audio dramas!

For the first time in 28 years, Tom Baker is returning to his role as the Fourth Doctor in a series of five thrilling audio adventures from BBC Audiobooks. Doctor Who: Hornets' Nest is written by the acclaimed Paul Magrs and stars Tom alongside a cast including Richard Franklin as Mike Yates, Susan Jameson as Mrs Wibbsey and Rula Lenska as the Hornet Queen.

The brand new series sees the Doctor on fighting form as he comes up against an enemy of unimaginable power and horrific intent. The first story, The Stuff of Nightmares, will be available to buy from 3rd September 2009 priced at £9.78, with the remaining four stories due for release on:

2. The Dead Shoes – 8th October
3. The Circus of Doom – 5th November
4. A Sting in the Tale – 3rd December
5. Hive of Horror – 3rd December

The series will also be available as a download from

Baker is often voted as the most popular Doctor by fans. Commenting on his performance, writer Paul Magrs said, "This is the first adventure with the Tom Baker Doctor since Logopolis. And it feels fantastic to write for him. I would say he's a brilliant mixture of everything the Fourth Doctor ever was. He's dark and sombre at times; other times he's gleefully macabre and mischievous."

Fans eager to engage with the series before the release date should check out, where a dedicated page for the series will launch on 10th August. The page will contain exclusive content and material such as a Q&A with Tom Baker, photographs from the recordings, audio clips and a poll on Tom’s best moments as the Doctor.

Doctor Who: Hornet's Nest - The Stuff of Nightmares
1 hour on 1 CD
Price: £9.78
Release date: 3rd September 2009

Responding to an advert apparently worded for him alone, Captain Mike Yates (retired) is reunited with a ghost from the past. But why has the Doctor, that mysterious traveller in Time and Space, sent for his former UNIT acquaintance? Trapped by a horde of vicious creatures in an apparently innocuous English country cottage, the two old friends are on the brink of an enormous adventure. As the Doctor relates his recent escapades, it becomes clear to Mike that they – and the Earth at large – are facing an enemy of unimaginable power and horrific intent. The nightmare is only just beginning…

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 126 Cover & Info

Who is the Master?

Find out all the fascinating facts you need to know about the Doctor’s greatest enemy, the menacing Master, in this week’s Doctor Who Adventures magazine.

The essential info will prepare Doctor Who fans for the return of the dangerous Time Lord later this year…

Doctor Who Adventures also gets you up close to a hideous new monster from the next special, The Waters of Mars. Could this be the scariest creature ever seen in Doctor Who – and more importantly, do you dare to look?

The issue comes with a free Tenth Doctor stationery set. All this and…

• Brand-new posters!
• An exciting Doctor Who comic strip
• Look inside a hideous Toclafane
• Behind the scenes on the Valiant
• Play a cool game
• Last of the Time Lords photo story
• Puzzles and competitions – great prizes to be won!
• Subscription offer – subscribe and get a free Doctor Who Monsters and Villains book.

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 126, priced £2.10, is in shops from Thursday 30 July! The Master is waiting for you…

Quote Of The Day - Sutekh

"Your evil is my good. I am Sutekh the destroyer. Where I tread, I leave nothing but dust and darkness I find that good!"
- Sutekh, The Pyramids of Mars.

David Tennant and Russell T Davies at Television Critics Association 2009

David Tennant and Russell T Davies attended the Television Critics Association in Pasadena yesterday. Davies spoke at the event and said that David Tennant's final episode as the Doctor 'The End of Time' which will be broadcast at Christmas, is longer than any of the other specials at 1hr 15mins.

Torchwood: Children of Earth Poll Results

Thank you for voting on Doctor Who Time Vortex's Torchwood: Children of Earth poll. View the results below.

What did you think of Torchwood: Children of Earth?

Fantastic 67% (32 votes)

Very Good 25% (12 votes)

Good 4% (2 votes)

Bad 2% (1 votes)

Terrible 2% (1 votes)

Other: 0% (0 votes)


Wednesday 29 July 2009

Doctor Who DVD Files Issue 15

Episodes: Smith and Jones & The Shakespeare Code
Price: £6.99
Out Now

Doctor Who: The Master is the Boss

This video contains some strong language so please do not watch it if you are easily offended. You have been warned!

Quote Of The Day - Emperor Dalek

"Purify the Earth with fire. The planet will become my temple and we shall rise. This will be our paradise!"
- Emperor Dalek, The Parting of the Ways.

Doctor Who - Most Successful Sci-fi Show

Doctor Who has been awarded its second Guinness World Record for 'Most successful sci-fi show in the world'. The award was presented to Russell T Davies at Comic-Con on Sunday who accepted the award on behalf of Verity Lambert, the first producer of Doctor Who. The editor of Guinness World records, Craig Glenday, said "It's the longest-running sci-fi show on TV. But that's not quite enough, it's too good a show to have a longest-running record. Based on things like CD sales, downloads, illegal downloads, we've realised that Doctor Who is the most successful sci-fi show on TV full stop."

In my opinion, Doctor Who should be given a record for 'The Greatest Show in the world'!

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Blathereen in SJA Series 3

In the latest issue of SFX, producer of The Sarah Jane Adventures Nikki Smith has confirmed the return of the Raxacoricofallapatorians. No, not the Slitheen but their cousins the Blathereen. Smith also confirms that The Trickster played by Paul Marc Davies will be returning for the third time. Also in SJA series 3 are The Judoon, a character called Androvax, a Veil and the brilliant David Tennant as The Doctor.

SFX is out now. The third series of the Sarah Jane Adventures starts in September.

Planet of the Dead Music Recreations

Download this as an MP3 file here.

Quote Of The Day - The Fourth Doctor

"I know that although the Daleks will create havoc and destruction for millions of years. I know also, that out of their evil, must come something good."
- The Fourth Doctor, Genesis of the Daleks.

Torchwood Panel at San Diego Comic-Con 2009

4.17 Nightmares Reign

According to a post on the Gallfrey Base forum, the title for the first Doctor Who 2009 Christmas special is Nightmares Reign. We have already seen from the Comic-Con trailer that one of the final two specials is called The End of Time. This would be an appropriate title for the episode since the trailer says"It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams".

Monday 27 July 2009

Doctor Who Panel Q&A @ Comic Con 2009

Quote Of The Day - The Master

"Laser Screwdriver. Who'd have sonic? And the best part is he isn't dead for long, I get to kill him again!"
- The Master, The Sound of Drums.

Rose Tyler in The Waters of Mars?

We know that Rose Tyler will be making an appearance at Christmas in David Tennant's final episode 'The End of Time' but is this her in the new Waters of Mars trailer? What do you think?

UPDATE: According to online forums, this is apparently Adelaide's daughter and not Rose Tyler.

Thanks to Square Eyes.

Doctor Who The End of Time Comic-Con Trailer

Waters of Mars Trailer Screencaps

Over 100 screencaps from the new Waters of Mars trailer are now available on Doctor Who Time Vortex's Photobucket account. Click here to view them. Please credit this site if you use them elsewhere on the web, thanks.

Doctor Who - The Waters of Mars - New Trailer

The new trailer for The Waters of Mars from Comic-Con in San Diego.

Sunday 26 July 2009

The Master and Lucy Saxon are Back!

It has now been confirmed by Russell T Davies that John Simm and Alexandra Moen will be returning as the Master and Lucy Saxon in the final two Doctor Who specials. It has also been confirmed today by David Tennant and Julie Gardner that Timothy Dalton will be guest starring in the specials which are entitled 'The End of Time'presumably as a timelord.

Quote Of The Day - Mickey Smith

"The name's Mickey. Mickey Smith, defending the earth!"
- Mickey Smith, Army of Ghosts.

Quotes From Doctor Who Comic Con Trailers

io9 have a report and quotes from the Doctor Who trailers shown at Comic Con. View them below.

The Waters of Mars

"Certain moments in time are fixed. Everything else is in flux. Anything can happen. But there are certain moments that must stand."
- The Doctor

"This time and place on Mars, what happens here, must not be changed"
-The Doctor

"Any one of us could be infected,"
- Adelaide

"It doesn't end here and now — because I don't hear anyone knocking, do you?"
- The Doctor

"Certain moments in time are fixed. This place on Mars, what happens here, must always happen."
- The Doctor (Source: Digital Spy)

"Don't even touch it, not one drop."
- Adelaide (Source: Digital Spy)

The End of Time

"It is said that in the final days of the planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams."
- Trailer voiceover by Timothy Dalton

"He returns."
- Trailer voiceover by Timothy Dalton

"My name is the Master."
- The Master played by John Simm

David Tennant and RTD on San Diego television

David Tennant and Russell T Davies's appearance on the San Diego TV station CW6 on the 26th July 2009. This was made during their trip to appear at Comic-Con.

Torchwood Series Four

A rep from BBC America has told ComicMix that a fourth series of Torchwood has been commissioned by the BBC! This doesn't really come as a surprise since Torchwood: Children of Earth received very good ratings on BBC One and Russell T Davies recently said that a fourth series of Torchwood is "ready to go". There will be a Torchwood panel at Comic Con tomorrow including John Barrowman, Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner so it will probably be announced then followed by a press release from the BBC.

David Tennant and Julie Gardner Interview

In an interview with io9, David Tennant and Julie Gardner have confirmed a few things. Firstly, that a Doctor Who Movie will not be announced at Comic Con. And secondly that John Simm and Timothy Dalton will be in the final two Doctor Who specials.

An extract from the interview: And Tennant admitted for the first time that season three's villiain, John Simm really is coming back. And Timothy Dalton is also guest-starring, as we already pretty much knew. "Bloody hell, Timothy Dalton," he says. "Such enthusiasm to be there." "What a voice that man has," says Gardner. And Wilf (Bernard Cribbins) plays a "huge and fundamental part" in Tennant's final episodes, and brings "such humanity" to the role, says Tennant.

Read the full interview here.

David Tennant, John Barrowman and Russell T Davies at Comic-Con 2009

Saturday 25 July 2009

Quote Of The Day - Sarah Jane Smith

"I must be mad. I'm sick of being cold and wet and hypnotised left, right and centre. I'm sick of being shot at, savaged by bug eyed monsters, never knowing if I'm coming or going... or been... I want a bath, I want my hair washed, I just want to feel human again... and, boy, am I sick of that sonic screwdriver. I'm going to pack my goodies and I'm going home..."
- Sarah Jane Smith, The Hand of Fear.

Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4 in Pre-Production

Executive producer of The Sarah Jane Adventures, Russell T Davies, has told Doctor Who Magazine that early pre-production on has started on the fourth series.

RTD tells DWM 411: "While we've yet to dot the i's and cross the t's, early pre-production work on a fourth series of SJA has begun in earnest. We've had a meeting with all the writers - with some new names in the mix - and storylines are already being prepared. And they're excellent stuff - I think there's some amazing stories yet to be told! We've got some huge support from CBBC, which is hugely appreciated, so all being well, we should be able to make a definite announcement soon - proving what we've always known: Sarah Jane Smith is unstoppable! But as always, it's a testament to Liz, Tommy, Daniel and Anijil that the programme is held in such high regard both within the BBC, and by the viewing public."

Filming on the third series of SJA finished last week. DWM 411 is out now.

Friday 24 July 2009

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 125 Cover & Info

In this week’s Doctor Who Adventures magazine…

… We look at the story of the robot dog that used to travel in time and space with the Doctor – K-9.

There’s also a top 10 of all the weird and wonderful animals found in Doctor Who – everything from Rose the dog to the hairy, scary Werewolf. But what’s number one?

The issue comes with a Davros trainer bag! All this and…

• Fantastic posters!
• A brand-new Doctor Who comic strip
• What’s inside a Cyberman?
• Behind the scenes with the Ood
• Cool quiz - Planet of the Dead
• The Unquiet Dead photo story
• Puzzles and competitions – amazing prizes to be won!
• Subscription offer – subscribe and get a free copy of Monsters and Villains.

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 125, priced £2.50, is in shops now! Grab yours while you can!

BBC: David Tennant Interview & Speed Lap - Top Gear

David Tennant is the star in a reasonably priced car in this clip from Top Gear. Watch his lap in full here and see how Doctor Who managed when confronted with the monstrous Stig!

Quote Of The Day - Dalek

"The human harvest will commence!"
- Dalek, The Stolen Earth.

Doctor Who Third Doctor Action Figures

Following the release of the Fourth Doctor action figure set, Forbidden Planet have released details for a set of Third Doctor action figures. View details below;
This set features an exclusive action figure of the dynamic 3rd Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with a magnificent Sea Devil figure with brand new and updated decoration. The Doctor's cloak is removable and he comes with his trusty Sonic Screwdriver.

The Doctor and Jo visit the Master in his high-security prison on an island off the south coast of England and hear from the governor, Colonel Trenchard, that ships have been mysteriously disappearing at sea. Investigating, the Doctor learns from the Naval base commander that the sinkings are centred around an abandoned sea fort. Visiting the fort, the Doctor and Jo are attacked by a Sea Devil - an amphibious breed of the prehistoric creatures or Silurians encountered by the Doctor not long before.

The Master is secretly building a machine to wake the Sea Devils from their hibernation, so that they can reclaim Earth from the human population. The Doctor tries to broker peace between them and humankind, but is captured by the Master. As the time approaches, the Doctor’s only hope to save the human race lies in sabotaging the device and entombing the Sea Devils.

Exclusive to Forbidden Planet outside the USA & Canada.

This set features an exclusive action figure of the dynamic 3rd Doctor as played by Jon Pertwee with blue jacket and high boots. It also features a splendid looking Dalek resplendent in silver and black livery and sporting a machine gun. The Doctor comes with his trusty Sonic Screwdriver.

The Doctor and Sarah Jane arrive on the planet Exxilon, where all electrical energy is drained off by an unknown force. The Doctor meets a Marine Space Corps expedition from Earth, stranded by the energy drain, who tell him that a plague is sweeping the galaxy and that the antidote, parrinium, can be found only on Exxilon. Sarah meanwhile discovers a magnificent white edifice with a flashing beacon on top, but is captured by a group of savage Exxilons to be sacrificed for defiling their city.

The Doctor and the humans enter into an uneasy alliance with a group of Daleks who also land on the planet and whose weapons are also drained of energy. Rescuing Sarah, the Doctor and Marines escape into the tunnels around the city with Bellal, an enlightened native, as the Daleks reinforcements arrive, blazing machine guns in place of their energy weapons.

Exclusive to Forbidden Planet outside the USA & Canada

Both sets will be released on 30th October 2009 at the price of £24.99 from Forbidden Planet.

Doctor Who Fourth Doctor Action Figure Set

Forbidden Planet have released details of a Fourth Doctor action figure set due for release later this year. The set includes the Fourth Doctor, Dalek (Destiny of the Daleks), Robot (The Robots of Death), and a Mummy (The Pyramids of Mars).

Straight from the much-loved BBC classics follow the 4th Doctor in his many time travelling adventures!

Due for release on 10th August 2009. £29.99 from Forbidden

Matt Smith's Costume Reveal & Filming News Round-up

A number of sources are covering the news of Matt Smith's costume reveal and Doctor Who filming on Series 5 starting.

Times Online
Matt Smith's new Doctor Who costume unveiled as filming begins

Sky News

New Doctor Who Star Reveals Time Lord Look

Take a bow: It's Doctor Who's new look - and new companion

The Sun

It's the lord of geek chic

Wired News

Doctor Who Returns to Full-Time Filming With Moffat, Smith

Doctor Who new star Matt Smith reveals the Time Lord's new outfit ...

Wales Online

New Doctor Who Matt Smith lands on Welsh beach

Tweed jacket and bow tie – Dr Who unveils new look

The Age

Doctor Who's new look branded a fashion failure

The Press Association
Doctor Who's new look 'in a time warp'

Glasgow Evening Times

Thursday 23 July 2009

Quote Of The Day - Rose Tyler

"Five million Cybermen, easy. One Doctor? NOW you're scared!"
- Rose Tyler, Doomsday.

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 411 Cover & Info


He’s back! The jelly-baby munching, boggle-eyed bohemian puts on his long scarf and floppy hat once more, as the legendary TOM BAKER returns to the role of the Fourth Doctor for the first time in over fifteen years! DWM talks exclusively and in depth to Tom about what made him come back to the role that made him famous, what he thinks of Doctor Who today and whether a meeting with the current Doctor could be on the cards. Tom also tells us what he thinks about these modern Doctors kissing their companions...

“Well, I don’t know how I would’ve done it,” Tom considers. “I suppose I would have made it extremely funny. Especially if I’d rescued the girl, and she’d kissed me, I would’ve been able to be absolutely astounded that she was pressing her lips on mine, thinking, ‘Oh, that was rather nice’ and then saying, ‘Would you like to do that again?’” He laughs. “But I don’t know. It was inconceivable during our time. We didn’t think like that. I played him entirely… I never did handle the girls. Or if I did handle the girls, I always did it clumsily, because I reasoned that the Doctor wouldn’t know about that.”

Also in DWM 411:

Exclusively for DWM readers, there’s a brand new, free audio story to download featuring the Third Doctor and Jo! When Jo finds herself on an alien planet in the far future, she begins to recall a tale of ghosts and murders – and a terrible Time Lord secret... THE MISTS OF TIME stars Katy Manning as Jo Grant and is written by Jonathan Morris.

Doctor Who is the best television programme in the world... or is it? DWM talks to experts on the television industry, including Dick Fiddy, Alison Graham, Gill Hudson, Mark Lawson, Ben Lawrence, Jon Peake and Ally Ross, about how Doctor Who is really perceived by both media professionals and the public at large...

Doctor Who’s Head Writer, RUSSELL T DAVIES, investigates the curious case of the enigmatic Radio Times listings in Production Notes!

What’s it like to see your favourite Doctor Who stars live – and naked – on stage? Read about Neil Harris’ frankly unforgettable experiences in YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

The mysterious Watcher reveals everything you need to know about the cricket-loving FIFTH DOCTOR, as his essential guide to the Time Lord continues!

Was the Third Doctor’s companion, Jo Grant, the sexiest assistant of all time? Decide for yourself, as we talk candidly to the actress who played her, KATY MANNING!

As glaciers and dinosaurs threaten to destroy present-day Sydney, how on earth can the Doctor save the day? And what will become of his ‘employer’, Majenta? Discover the answers in DWM’s comic strip, THE AGE OF ICE, by Dan McDaid with art by Martin Geraghty.

Get ready for the spookiest Time Team ever! Richard, Peter, Jac and Clay experience creepy goings-on in a Victorian haunted house as they watch the 1989 Seventh Doctor story, GHOST LIGHT!

It’s widely regarded as one of the best Doctor Who stories of all time! Find out why – and unearth a treasure trove of information – as The Fact of Fiction disinters 1967’s Second Doctor story, THE TOMB OF THE CYBERMEN!

All the latest news, reviews, previews, competitions and much, much more!

Tune in to Doctor Who Magazine 411 on Thursday 23 July, for just £3.99. Don’t miss it!

Pre-titles of Doctor Who Christmas Special To Be Shown At Children in Need 2009

Russell T Davies has confirmed in an interview that the pre-titles sequence to the 2009 Doctor Who Christmas special will be shown at Children in Need later this year. Davies says "We'll do what we did last year, and show the opening pre-titles sequence of the next special. Y'know, we want to give Children In Need anything we can because we love them and it's a great cause. We're dying to help, but I think we'll offer them something like that."

Obviously, rumours of an 11 Doctors reunion are not true!

Read the full interview here.

*Thanks to Scooty for the photo.

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Quote Of The Day - Seventh Doctor

"There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do."
- Seventh Doctor, Survival.

Crash of the Byzantium in Series Five

The pictures from filming on Doctor Who show that the 'Space Junk' has the name Byzantium which was previously referenced by River Song in Silence in the Library when she asked the Tenth Doctor "Yeah, so, crash of the Byzantium, have we done that yet?".

Thanks to Blogtor Who for the pictures.

Go to 3:00 on the video below.

Torchwood: Children of Earth Final Ratings

Final ratings have now been released by BARB for Torchwood: Children of Earth.

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day One - Rating: 6.47 Million

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Two - Rating: 6.14 Million

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Three - Rating: 6.40 Million

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Four - Rating: 6.76 Million

Torchwood: Children of Earth - Day Five - Rating: 6.59 Million

Julie Gardner on Torchwood Series 4

In an interview with io9 Julie Gardner has revealed more details about the next series of Torchwood which has not yet been commissioned by the BBC.

An extract from the interview:

She says the BBC will fully try to top the current season of Torchwood, assuming it actually returns in 2010. That's "part of the fun, and part of the adrenaline rush of working in TV drama." She adds, "The joy, for me, with Torchwood, is that it's a show that, every single years, has reinvented itself." That's certainly true with the new format of a five-part miniseries airing across five consecutive nights, which Jane Trantor suggested and Russell T. Davies found an exciting challenge.

We're kind of having conversations now, about what the next step is, because I do think it's fun working on a show that reinvents itself constantly. We're looking at all of this, whether another serial arc, or possibly something else.

As to whether series four will show the Torchwood team rebuilding after the challenging events of "Children Of Earth," she says "You go where the story needs to take you. I think it's always possible to rebuild."

Read the full interview here.

Pictures From Yesterdays Doctor Who Filming At Dunraven Bay (Sotherndown Beach) 21/07/09

More filming took place yesterday with Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Alex Kingston at Sotherndown Beach (Dunraven Bay). Click on images for larger.

Yesterdays Doctor Who Filming Pictures 21/07/09

Yesterdays Doctor Who filming at Fonmon Quarry which was previously used earlier in the year for the Waters of Mars.
Thanks to Scooty for these brilliant images.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

2 More New Doctor Who Filming Pictures

Two new photos from filming at Sotherndown Beach.
Thanks to Mail Online for these pictures.

Listen To The Tochwood: Children of Earth Soundtrack Online

You can now listen to the Torchwood: Children of Earth Soundtrack on the YouTube Playlist above.

Quote Of The Day - Martha Jones

"We're on the Moon. We're on the bloody Moon."
- Martha Jones, Smith and Jones.

John Barrowman on Fifth Gear

3 Videos From Yesterdays Doctor Who Filming

Three videos from yesterdays filming at Dunraven Bay (Sotherndown Beach). Thanks to Slrpap and Skarofighter2 for uploading.

New Sonic Screwdriver For The Eleventh Doctor

As well as a new design on the TARDIS, these pictures show the Eleventh Doctor with a new Sonic Screwdriver. We know from Forest of the Dead that the Doctor gives River Song a Sonic Screwdriver in the future with 'Red Settings' and 'Dampers' but this one doesn't look as though it has these on. Could this just be a new design on the Sonic Screwdriver?