Friday 14 August 2009

Doctor Who The Twin Dilemma DVD Cover & Details

The Twin Dilemma
Featuring: Colin Baker as The 6th Doctor

Is the Doctor really losing his mind? After his fifth regeneration his behaviour certainly seems strange. He tries to strangle Peri, and then lands the TARDIS on the asteroid Titan 3 determined to pursue the quiet life of a hermit. But a mysterious giant dome on the horizon seems set to shatter his peace.

The Doctor is quickly drawn into a plot to conquer the universe by a race of giant gastropods. Their leader, Mestor, intends to cause an enormous explosion in order to spread his people's eggs throughout the galaxy. But just exactly what is their connection to the kidnapping of the twins Romulus and Remus, famed for their mathematical genius?

Special Features:

· Commentary - with actors Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Kevin McNally.
· The Star Man - an interview with title sequence designer Sid Sutton.
· Look 100 Years Younger - Colin Baker and comedian Amy Lamé discuss the Doctor's costumes over the years.
· Stripped for Action - The Sixth Doctor - a look at the Fifth Doctor's comic strip adventures from the pages of Doctor Who Magazine. Featuring
interviews with artist John Ridgway, writer Simon Furman, former Doctor Who Magazine editors Alan McKenzie, Gary Russell and Alan Barnes.
· Breakfast Time - Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant interviewed by Frank Bough and Selina Scott on the BBC's breakfast TV show.
· Blue Peter - Colin Baker interviewed by Janet Ellis on the long-running childrens' magazine show.
· Continuity - BBC1 continuity announcements from the story's original transmission.
· Photo Gallery
· Coming Soon
· Programme Subtitles
· Subtitle Production Notes

Due for release on 07/09/2009
RRP: £19.99
Pre-Order from

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