Monday 31 August 2009

Doctor Who - Series 2 Outtakes

Quote Of The Day - Rose Tyler

"I, um...I address the Sycorax...according to...article fifteen of the Shadow Proclamation. I command you to leave this world, with all the authority of...the Slitheen parliament of Raxicoricofallapatorius and, um...the Gelth Confederacy... as, uh, the Mighty Jagrafess and...ooh, the Daleks! Now, leave this planet in peace!"
- Rose Tyler, The Christmas Invasion.

Sunday 30 August 2009

Doctor Who Opening Credits (Hustle style)

Quote Of The Day - Fourth Doctor

(The Fourth Doctor's first words) "I tell you, Brigadier, there's nothing to worry about! The brontosaurus is large, and placid!"
- Fourth Doctor, Robot.

Friday 28 August 2009

Doctor Who: The Judoon Song

Quote Of The Day - Queen Victoria

"By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Sir Doctor of TARDIS. By the power invested in me by the Church and the State, I dub thee Dame Rose of the Powell Estate."
- Queen Victoria, Tooth and Claw.

Today's Doctor Who Series 5 Filming

Filming took place on Series 5 of Doctor Who in Cardiff again today, with Matt Smith and Karen Gillen once again on set.

Scooty also managed to get a couple of photos including on of Nick Briggs (Voice of the Daleks!)

Alun Vega reports the following via twitter;
Base is in private carpark outside warehouse on Curran St. Visible trailer doors read: The Doctor, Amy, Enemy No 2, and... Churchill, Curran Rd is the base.

More trailer signs read Blanche, Lillian, and Voice Of Enemy ;)

Filming is in the basement of Jacobs antique Market. Nothing to see. Matt, Karen, Nick Briggs, and - I think - Bill Paterson on set.

I just heard a Dalek say "Would you care for some tea?" !!!

Dialogue overheard, Matt Smith (shouts): "I am the Doctor and you are the Daleks!" #dwsr I have goosebumps!

Matt sounds utterly fantastic. He's using his own accent.

Karen and Bill sound Scottish. Briggsy sounds Dalek-y :)
Filming continuing in Jacobs basement. Scene with Doctor, Churchill, and Bill Paterson's character (a professor, apparently)

A big thanks to Alun Vega and Scooty for the set reports and photos!

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 130

Is your teacher a monster from Doctor Who?

As the summer holidays come to an end (boo!), get ready for the return to school with this week’s Doctor Who Adventures.

Could one of your teachers be from another planet? As we’ve all seen in Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures, this can happen quite often, so you should take our test to find out…

Doctor Who Adventures also looks at some of the scary schools that have appeared in the series, so you will be able to stop monster invasions before they happen.

This week’s issue comes with a brilliant Doctor Who pencil case set (containing everything you’ll need for the new term!), plus a giant double-sided poster for your wall. All this and…

• Interview with the Daleks! We talk to two of their human operators.
• A brand-new comic strip
• Top 10 children in Doctor Who
• Puzzles and competitions – great prizes could be yours!
• Subscription offer – subscribe today and get a free Cybermen Collection DVD.

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 130, priced £2.75, is in shops on Thursday 27 August! Grab a copy before monster invaders grab you!

Watch Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Companions Online

Last night's episode of Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Companions is now available on the YouTube playlist above or on the BBC iPlayer.

Thursday 27 August 2009

Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 Air Date

The Digital Spy website have a list of upcoming TV series premier dates, which includes the third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. The website reports that the series will begin on Thursday 15th October. This seems a bit unusual as the previous two series have both been broadcast on a Monday and begin around the end of September, however the website did have the correct air date for Torchwood: Children of Earth so this date is very likely.

Heads up to Square Eyes for this!

Quote Of The Day - Martha Jones

"A telepathic field, binding the whole human race together. All of them, every single person on Earth, thinking the same thing at the same time! And that word, is DOCTOR!"
- Martha Jones, Last of the Timelords.

Doctor Who Series 5 Filming - The Daleks Are Back!

Filming on Doctor Who Series 5 took place today on the roof of the Glamorgan Building in Cardiff. Matt Smith and Karen Gillen were both on location with one of Doctor Who's greatest and oldest enemies - yes, the Daleks! A selection of photographs can be seen below who we need to thank Scooty for.

View more photos from Scooty here.


Catherine Tate Wins Portal Award

Catherine Tate has won a Portal Award for her role as Donna Noble in Doctor Who. Tate won the category 'Best Actress' beating 'Battlestar Glactica' actress Mary McDonnell.

David Tennant, Billie Piper and the Doctor Who episode 'Turn Left' all came runners up in the 'Best Actor', 'Best Guest Star' and 'Best Episode' categories.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Companions Tonight

A reminder that the second episode of 'Doctor Who Greatest Moments' will be broadcast tonight at 8pm on BBC Three. This episode will take a look at some of the Companion's most memorable moments. A preview for the episode can be seen at the side of the page. The series will conclude next Thursday and will take a look at 'The Enemies'. Click here to watch the first episode of the series in a previous post.

Synopsis for tonight's episode;
Series taking viewers on a journey through time and space to relive action from the legendary sci-fi show, featuring exclusive interviews with key actors offering unique insights on the classic moments. David Tennant, Billie Piper, Catherine Tate, Freema Agyeman and John Barrowman go through the greatest moments of the Doctor's finest companions.

Quote Of The Day - Ace

"I felt like I could run forever, like I could smell the wind and feel the grass under my feet, and just run forever."
- Ace, Survival.

Doctor Who's Greatest Moments: The Companions - Exclusive Clip

Tuesday 25 August 2009

The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 1 Bank Holiday Repeats

The CBBC Channel will be repeating the first series of the Sarah Jane Adventures this upcoming Bank Holiday Monday (31st August) from 9am.

9.00am - 10.00am - Invasion of the Bane

10.00am - 11.00am - Revenge of the Slitheen - Parts 1 & 2

11.00am - 12.00pm - Eye of the Gorgon Parts - 1 & 2

12.00pm - 1.00pm - Warriors of Kudlak Parts - 1 & 2

1.00pm - 2.00pm - Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane - Parts 1 & 2

2.00pm - 2.50pm - The Lost Boy - Parts 1 & 2

2.50pm - 3.50pm - Invasion of the Bane

(Source: CBBC)

Doctor Who: Every Single Death In New Who

Quote Of The Day - Tenth Doctor

"From the day they arrive on this planet and blinking step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen. More to do, no hold on... Sorry, that's the Lion King."
- Tenth Doctor, The Christmas Invasion.

Doctor Who The Dalek Collection DVD Boxset Cover & Details

Celebrate one of Doctor Who’s deadliest foes in this fantastic collector’s DVD. Specially packaged and featuring seven action-packed adventures from the new series plus an exclusive interview with David Tennant on this terrifying enemy.

Watch the Doctor and his companions battle against the Daleks, a distillation of all that is evil in the Universe in these thrilling episodes:

Beneath the Salt Plains of Utah, the billionaire collector Henry Van Statten holds the last relic of an alien race. When the Doctor and Rose investigate, they discover that the Doctor's oldest and most deadly enemy is about to break free. It's a fight to the death, with Rose caught in the middle

Bad Wolf
The Doctor, Rose and Captain Jack have to fight for their lives on board the Game Station. But a far more dangerous threat is lurking, just out of sight.

The Doctor realises that the entire Human Race has been blinded to the threat on its doorstep, and Armageddon is fast approaching.

The Parting Of Ways
Rose Tyler has seen danger and wonders alongside the Doctor, but now their friendship is put to the test as Earth plunges into an epic war. With the Human Race being slaughtered, the Doctor is forced into terrible action. Will the time-travellers ever be reunited?

Daleks in Manhattan
Set in the 1930’s New York, this is part one of a two-part story. In New York in the midst of the Depression, people are disappearing from among the homeless and jobless masses. Pig-like creatures hide in the sewers and at the bottom of the Empire State Building, some of the Doctor’s greatest and oldest enemies, the Daleks, are at work, preparing their most horrific plan yet.

Evolution of the Daleks
The concluding episode of this two-part story sees the Daleks’ plan in full force. The Dalek’s final experiment is about to begin and the Doctor must enter an unholy alliance in order to change Dalek history forever.

The Stolen Earth
Earth’s greatest heroes assemble in a time of dire need, but can the Doctor’s secret army defeat the might of the new Dalek Empire. With battles on the streets and in the skies, the Doctor and Donna must brave the Shadow Proclamation to find out.

Journey's End
As Davros and the Daleks threaten the entire universe, the Doctor's companions join forces. But the prophecy declares that one of them will die...

Release Date: 19/10/2009
RRP: £15.99
Pre-order from

Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 First Picture!

This is the first image from the third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Presumably from the first story of the series 'Prisoner of the Judoon'!


Monday 24 August 2009

Doctor Who: Leviathan (Big Finish Audio) Cover & Details

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Howard Gossington (Gurth), John Banks (Herne the Hunter), Beth Chalmers (Althya), Jamie Parker (Wulfric), Derek Carlyle (Siward)

No one lives to old age in the village. When their Time is come, they are taken and never seen again. That is The Way. And, should anyone try to break with the established order of things, then the fury of Herne the Hunter is unleashed...

When the TARDIS materializes near a castle in this mediaeval society, the Doctor and Peri befriend Gurth, a terrified youth who is attempting to flee his fate. And Herne is closing in...

Why does the local baron impose the culling? What is the secret of Zeron? And who are the Sentinels of the New Dawn?

RELEASE DATE: 31 January 2010
Price: £14.99
Pre-order from Big Finish.

The Doctor goes Speed Dating - Dead Ringers

Quote Of The Day - Brigadier

"You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace that wasn't immune to bullets."
- Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, Robot.

Doctor Who: David Tennant + Russell T. Davies Video Interview

Doctor Who: Mission to Magnus (Big Finish Audio) Cover & Info

Colin Baker (The Doctor), Nicola Bryant (Peri), Nabil Shaban (Sil), Malcolm Rennie (Anzor), Maggie Steed (Madamme Rana Zandusia), Susan Franklyn (Jarmaya/Tace), Tina Jones (Ulema/Soma), William Townsend (Vion), Callum Witney Mills (Asam), Nicholas Briggs (Brorg/Vedikael/Grand Marshall/Ishka), James George (Skaarg/Jarga/Hussa)

The Lost Stories: Adventures that wereoriginally written for the Doctor Who television series but never made.Now available to hear for the first time…

The Doctor and Peri face enemies at every turn on the planet Magnus. There's the Time Lord bully Anzor, who made the Doctor's life hell during his time at the Academy. There's also Rana Zandusia, the matriarchal ruler of the planet, who seeks to prise the secret of time travel from these alien visitors.

Also on Magnus is the slug-like Sil, still bitter from his defeat on the planet Varos and seeking to make his fortune from the most potentially destructive ends. And, deep within the planet, there is something else. Another old enemy of the Doctor's. And the future is looking decidedly colder...

Price: £14.99
RELEASE DATE: 31 December 2009
Pre Order from Big Finish.

Sunday 23 August 2009

Doctor Who MasterCard Commercial

Quote Of The Day - The First Doctor

[On the death of Katarina.] "She didn't understand... She couldn't understand. She wanted to save our lives. And perhaps the lives of all the other beings of the solar system. I hope she's found her perfection. We shall always remember her as one of the daughters of the gods. Yes, as one of the daughters of the gods."
- The First Doctor, The Daleks Masterplan.

Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Enemies

The third and final episode of Doctor Who Greatest Moments will take a look at 'The Enemies' following the previous two episodes which look at the Doctor and his Companions greatest moments.

Synopsis for the third episode;

Series taking viewers on a journey through time and space to relive action from the legendary sci-fi show, featuring exclusive interviews with key actors offering unique insights on the classic moments. The Doctor has faced a whole galaxy full of formidable foes. David Tennant and a host of stars including John Barrowman, Derek Jacobi, Zoe Wannamaker, Freema Agyeman and Sarah Parish look through the greatest moments of his deadliest enemies.

Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Enemies, will be broadcast on BBC Three at 8pm onThursday 3rd September and will run for about an hour.

Saturday 22 August 2009

Doctor Who - Invaders Must Die

Quote Of The Day - Martha Jones

"The Doctor sort of travels through time and space and picks us up. God, I make us sound like stray dogs. Maybe we are."
- Martha Jones, Utopia.

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 412


DWM takes a stroll in the woods with Fourth Doctor, TOM BAKER. As we pick our way through the trees, we learn how to make the perfect bonfire, why Tom owns a gravestone and why it’s not a good idea to combine drinking and acting…

“In those days… it’s a long time ago, and it’s a world that no longer exists. It was a world where wine was available all the time, and hard drinking was a sign of being sociable. An actor who said, ‘No thanks, I can’t drink, or won’t drink’ wasn’t very interesting, because most of the conversation was fuelled by alcohol and cigarettes...”

Also in DWM 412:

Tom Baker is back in the studio as the Doctor in HORNETS' NEST, a new series of audio adventures for BBC Audio. DWM was present at the recording and gives a full report on proceedings, including exclusive interviews with the cast and crew.

Sixth Doctor companion actress, NICOLA BRYANT takes her turn to delve into the TARDIS tin! Discover who Nicola’s first crush was and what her favourite pair of pants are!

The Doctor turns sleuth as he races to save New Old Detroit from the ominously-named World Bomb in the complete new comic-strip adventure, THE DEEP HEREAFTER written by Dan McDaid and with art by Rob Davis.

Everything you need to know about the Doctor’s Sixth and most colourful incarnation in one easy package, thanks to The Watcher and his continuing guide to the lives of our favourite Time Lord.

In keeping with our celebration of Tom Baker’s return to the Doctor Who world, we step back in time to 1974 with The Fact of Fiction and take a look at the Fourth Doctor’s first adventure, ROBOT.

The Time Team’s Richard, Peter, Jac and Clay turn their square eyes to THE CURSE OF FENRIC and share their thoughts on this terrifying tale of World War II espionage, vampires and chess games.

MARY TAMM, who was the first incarnation of the Fourth Doctor’s companion, Romana talks to DWM about writing her autobiography and being a grandmother.

Outgoing Doctor Who supremo, RUSSELL T DAVIES reflects on life in America, (including the revelation of chicken sausages) and his thoughts on the Eleventh Doctor’s costume.

There’s a photo special in this month’s Gallifrey Guardian rounding up all the pictures and coverage for the first day of filming for next year’s Series One, starring Matt Smith. Plus find out who’s coming back from the dead for this Christmas’s Tenth Doctor finale, The End of Time.

Neil Harris celebrates the unseen heroes of Doctor Who, including Leonardo Da Vinci who has the honour of not appearing in the series on two separate occasions!

All the latest news, reviews, previews, competitions and much, much more!

Grab your Doctor Who Magazine 412 now, for just £3.99. It’s the cat’s pyjamas!

Friday 21 August 2009

Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Doctor Ratings

Unofficial, overnight ratings show that the first episode of Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Doctor, which was broadcast on BBC Three at 8pm on Thursday, had a rating of 400,000 viewers. This makes the it sixth most watched programme of the day on all digital channels in the UK. Final figures will be released by BARB in two weeks.

Doctor Who Adventures Issue 129

What are the greatest escapes in Doctor Who?

The Doctor and his friends have managed to escape from many great dangers during their exciting travels – and in this week’s Doctor Who Adventures, there’s a list of the ten best.

There’s also a cool adventure guide to The Doctor’s Daughter, the story that involved a big shock for the Time Lord!

This week’s issue comes with a free note pad, stickers and a Doctor Who pen. All this and…

• Brilliant posters!
• A brand-new comic strip
• Meet a giant robot in a photo story
• Behind the scenes secrets – filming the theft of an ancient cup.
• Make a monster! How to create a Stingray.
• Puzzles and competitions – great prizes could be yours!
• Subscription offer – subscribe today and get a free Cybermen Collection DVD.

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 129, priced £2.10, is in shops on Thursday 20 August! Get yours before the Stingrays eat them all up!


Quote Of The Day - Cyber Controller

"I have factories waiting on seven continents. If the EarPods have failed, then the Cybermen will take humanity by force. London has shall the world."
- Cyber Controller, The Age of Steel.

Watch Doctor Who Greatest Moments: The Doctor Online

You can now watch the first episode of Doctor Who: Greatest Moments on the YouTube playlist above, or on the BBC iPlayer.

Doctor Who Dreamland Press Release

The BBC Press Office have issued a press release for the upcoming Doctor Who animation Dreamland. Read part of the press release below;

First look at new animated Doctor Who

The BBC today releases the first image of the animated Doctor as he will appear in the new animation, Dreamland, which is due for broadcast later this year.

The six-part series will be premièred via the BBC Red Button on BBC One and the Doctor Who website (

The 45-minute long animation will be broadcast in its entirety on CBBC on BBC Two this autumn and also on the BBC HD channel.

Written by Phil Ford (Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures) Dreamland will see the Doctor – played by David Tennant – arrive at the infamous alien hot spot, Roswell.

During a visit to a local diner he stumbles upon a mysterious alien artefact that leads him on a mission to rescue Rivesh Mantilax from the threat of the Viperox and the clutches of the American military.

Joining David Tennant will be Georgia Moffett (Doctor Who, Spooks) in the role of Cassie Rice – the Doctor's new animated companion.

David Warner (Wallander, Hogfather) also stars as the leader of the ruthless Viperox.

In the run-up to the animation, fans will be able to visit the Doctor Who website ( to follow a behind-the-scenes production blog on the making of Dreamland, giving the opportunity to follow the progress of the animation as it develops.

Dreamland was commissioned by BBC Drama Multiplatform and will be produced for the BBC by Brighton-based animation company Littleloud.

It is being executive produced by Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Piers Wenger, with Gary Russell as director.

Russell T Davies said: "Dreamland is a remarkable project and I'm thrilled with it. Phil Ford is a wonderful writer and promises to send the Doctor into a whole new visual dimension."

Rosie Allimonos, BBC Drama Multiplatform Commissioner, said: "I‘m extremely excited about Dreamland. It presents an amazing opportunity to expand the multiplatform storytelling potential of Doctor Who.

"To offer the ability to watch this brand new Doctor Who animation on so many different BBC platforms is a real treat for our audience."

Richard Deverell, Controller, BBC Children's, said: "This is a wonderful addition to the already fantastic portfolio of CBBC programming. Having talent like Russell T Davies and Phil Ford at the helm of this project will no doubt ensure it captures the imagination of CBBC viewers."

Read the full press release here.

Thursday 20 August 2009

Doctor Who On Blinkbox

BBC Worldwide have announced that every episode of Doctor Who will soon be available to download from the Blinkbox website. Classic Doctor Who will be available to download for free, but will carry adverts, and new Who will cost £1.89 per episode.

Simon Danker, director of Digital Content Partnerships, BBC Worldwide, said:
“Audiences are demanding a wide variety of options of how to watch their favourite content. We’re pleased that through Blinkbox, fans of TV classics such as The Young Ones, Doctor Who and Planet Earth will have another destination to watch these popular shows.”

Episodes of Doctor Who will be available on the website as of next week.

(Sources: The Guardian, The Telegraph, IT ProPortal)

Quote Of The Day - The Master

"So, Earthlings! Basically, um... end of the world. (holds up laser screwdriver) Here come the drums!"
- The Master, The Sound of Drums.

Doctor Who - Russell T Davies Introducing Dreamland

Official BBC Doctor Who Website Regenerates

The Official BBC Doctor Who Website has undergone a slight makeover ahead of the new Doctor Who animation 'Dreamland' which will be available via the BBC's 'Red Button' later this year.

The website has some new features including;

All Change! Your guide to the slightly regenerated site!

Doctor Who's Greatest Moments! Exclusive clip from new show

Interview with Doctor Who Writer
Concluding part of our Oli Smith Q & A.

New Lunar Quiz Is it truth or moonshine? You decide!

Russell T Davies Exclusive! Executive Producer introduces Dreamland

New Gallery! Revisit some New Beginnings...

Welcome to the Blog! We follow the journey through exclusive video, interviews and updates so join us for the online trip of a lifetime!


Wednesday 19 August 2009

Doctor Who's Greatest Moments Starts Tonight

A reminder that the new three part Doctor Who Confidential mini-series called 'Greatest Moments' starts tonight on BBC Three at 8pm.

Tonight's episode kicks off with a look at the Doctor's 'Greatest Moments' and will continue over the next two weeks with a look at the Companions and Monsters/Villans most memorable moments.

A preview clip of the first episode can be seen at the side of the page.

Synopsis for the first episode.

With 58 Doctor Who Confidentials already under their belt, Gillane Seaborne and her team deliver a trio of themed docs - a fast, fun celebration of all that has made Doctor Who a storming success since its rebirth in 2005. Companions and Enemies will follow, but this week it's the Doctor's turn in the limelight. What makes the Bachelor of Time tick? Why does he need reining in occasionally? And who are his own heroes? Expect frenetic clips packages (is there an octopus loose in the edit suite?) and fresh insights from nearly departed David Tennant. We also hear from Freema Agyeman, Georgia Moffett (the Doc's instant daughter) and "next Doctor" David Morrissey. Plus, John Barrowman is hilarious about the hierarchy of who has to run fastest in every chase scene.

Torchwood: The Official Magazine Yearbook

"Torchwood" is an action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled sci-fi series following the adventures of a team of investigators, working for the secret organisation Torchwood, who use scavenged alien technology to solve present day crime - both alien and human. The team, led by the enigmatic, ever-watchful Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman reprising his "Doctor Who" role in this spin-off from the legendary series), are separate from the government, outside the police and beyond the United Nations. This full-color companion to the show contains behind the scenes secrets, cast and crew interviews and "Torchwood" short stories!

HARDBACK - 96 Pages
RRP: £7.99
Due for release on 25/09/2009
Pre-order from

Quote Of The Day - Davros

"Yes. Yes. To hold in my hand, a capsule that contained such power. To know that life and death on such a scale was my choice. To know that the tiny pressure on my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything. Yes. I would do it. That power would set me up above the gods. And through the Daleks I shall have that power!"
- Davros, Genesis of the Daleks.

Doctor Who's Greatest Moments: The Doctor - Exclusive Clip

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Torchwood Magazine Issue 17 Cover & Details

Titan Magazines

Children of Earth uncovered!

The latest 100-page issue of Torchwood magazine gets under the skin of the five-night television spectacular, kicking things off with a sensational interview over ten pages with the show’s creator Russell T Davies. Check out this page for all the information on the new issue, including our farewell to Ianto (right), stunning behind-the-scenes features, and lots more!

Nick Abadzis pens Torchwood comic strip
BrokenAward-winning comic book writer and artist Nick Abadzis makes his Torchwood magazine debut in the latest issue. The author of the acclaimed graphic novel Laika writes part three of Broken, in which Gwen is plagued by ghosts of Torchwood past, with illustrations by Paul Grist.


Russell T Davies

“I could write you scene one of season four right now.”
So says Russell T Davies in a comprehensive interview in the latest issue of Torchwood magazine. We’d been trying to pin Davies down for over a year, and having got his attention, it wasn’t an opportunity we were ever going to approach lightly. With no stone left uncovered, we grill the man who invented Torchwood on why Ianto had to die, what he thinks about politics, and what could be next for the show.
You can check out a sneak peek from the interview with Russell T Davies on our Facebook page. Click here.

Making a Monster

Torchwood magazine brings you a sensational line-up of behind-the-scenes coverage of Children of Earth in the latest issue, including a close-up account of the making of the 456. Russell T Davies’ brief, as outlined by the script, was to make “a huge, three-headed, eyeless beast, with raw, wet skin, like its flesh has been stripped.” Find out how Millennium FX went about meeting the challenge, with exclusive photography from their workshop and the Floor 13 set.

Random Shoes revisited!
Torchwood magazine continues to look back at the trailblazing first series of the show in the latest issue. Remember when Torchwood ‘fan’ Eugene Jones found himself invisible and where he always wanted to be: sitting alongside Gwen Cooper in the Torchwood SUV? We revisit Random Shoes, first aired way back in December 2006, in a comprehensive episode guide. Plus, we talk to actor Paul Chequer, who guest starred in the episode as the naive but lovable Eugene.

Ianto Jones 1983-2009
Seeing Ianto Jones die in Captain Jack’s arms on Day Four of Children of Earth was a moment that many Torchwood fans will never forget. In the latest issue of Torchwood magazine, we pay tribute to the coffee boy made good, and Gareth David-Lloyd shares his thoughts about Ianto’s dramatic exit from the show.
An image gallery of Ianto’s best moments features on our official Facebook page. You can become a fan of the page and post your own tributes to Torchwood’s fallen hero. Click here.

Paul Copley
We talk to Children of Earth’s Clem MacDonald.

Children of Earth:
Day by Day

An in-depth trawl through the making of Children of Earth, one day at a time!

Day Five set report
We sneak into Johnson’s high-tech hideout for an exclusive set visit.

Torchwood Fiction
The Last Voyage of Osiris by James Goss, and part 2 of Closing Time by Andy Lane.

Children of Earth Poll
Cast your votes about the new series and you could win a prize!
Close Call

Kai Owen answers your questions!

Released on 20th August 2009.

David Harewood Interview

David Harewood who will play Joshua Naismith in The Reign of Nightmares and The End Of Time has been interviewed by Digital Spy. Read and extract of the interview below;

They were David Tennant's final episodes. What was the atmosphere like on set? "I'd say it was very charged - people were in tears. It was the end of a very successful partnership. It was obviously David's last outing, and it was also Russell's last outing and Julie Gardner's last outing. So everyone was saying goodbye to what had been a very successful partnership."

How secretive was the plot kept? Were you privvy to the part of the script with his final scene?
"No - we only got four pages, so most of us didn't get to see. I think we'll all be checking in on Christmas Day!"

Read the full interview here.

Sarah Harding In Doctor Who?

New Magazine are reporting that Girls Aloud singer and actress Sarah Harding will have a part in Series Five of Doctor Who. According to a 'mole' from New Magazine she has been "asked along for a chat about Doctor Who".

Harding is currently filming St Trinian's alongside David Tennant and Rupert Everett.

This rumour hasn't been confirmed yet, so I wouldn't take it too seriously.

Quote Of The Day - Ross Jenkins

[After General Staal unmasks] "He's like a potato. A baked potato. A talking baked potato."
- Ross Jenkins, The Sontaran Stratagem.

The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 Titles

The titles for the third series of the Sarah Jane Adventures have been revealed by Doctor Who Magazine 412 and can be viewed below;

Episodes 1 & 2: Prisoner of the Judoon

Episodes 3 & 4: The Mad Woman in the Attic

Episodes 5 & 6: The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith

Episodes 7 & 8: The Eternity Trap

Episodes 9 & 10: Mona Lisa's Revenge

Episodes 11 & 12: The Gift

It has also been reported that Suranne Jones will play Mona Lisa in episodes 9 & 10.

Doctor Who Magazine is out this Thursday at the price of £3.99.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Monday 17 August 2009

Torchwood Encyclopedia

Founded by Queen Victoria in 1879, the Torchwood Institute has been defending Great Britain from the alien hordes for 130 years. Though London's Torchwood One was destroyed during the Battle of Canary Wharf, the small team at Torchwood Three have continued to monitor the space-time Rift that runs through Cardiff, saving the world and battling for the future of the human race.

Now you can discover every fact and figure, explore every crack in time, and encounter every creature that Torchwood have dealt with. Included here are details of: The secret of the Children of Earth; Operatives from Alice Guppy to Gwen Cooper; Extraterrestrial visitors from Arcateenians to Weevils; The life and deaths of Captain Jack Harkness, and much more. Illustrated throughout with photos and artwork from all three series, this A-Z guide provides everything you need to know about Torchwood.

Written by Gary Russell
HARDBACK - 192 Pages
RRP: £14.99
Due for release on 01/10/2009
Pre-order from

It's Coming! Babelcolour's 10 Doctors. A Teaser

Quote Of The Day - The Master

[Speaking of the Doctor] "He wears yellow trousers and a vulgarly coloured coat, but tread carefully - he's treacherous."
- The Master, The Mark of the Rani.

Suranne Jones In The Sarah Jane Adventures

Former Coronation Street actress Suranne Jones will appear in the third series of The Sarah Jane Adventures. Although we don't know much about her character yet, the producer of SJA Nikki Wilson says that she is the perfect actress for the role.

Wilson says: "We conceived the character in a story meeting about 18 months ago and immediately named Suranne as perfect to play her - never imagining we'd actually get someone who's in so much demand.

"But as soon as she saw the script she said yes."

The third series of the Sarah Jane Adventures will begin next month on BBC One and CBBC.

(Source: The Sun)

Doctor Who Magazine Issue 412 Cover