Friday 27 March 2009

Doctor Who Adventures 108

How do you know if you’re in a parallel world?

This week’s issue of Doctor Who Adventures, out on Thursday 26 March, is a parallel worlds special.

Discover what happened when a sinister fortune teller made Donna rewrite history in last year’s episode Turn Left. You can also find out about all the weird alternate realities in Doctor Who – and learn how to see if you have strayed into one by accident.

The issue comes with a free set of badges and a model watch, just like the one UNIT gave to Donna when she went back in time and saved the universe! Inside the magazine, we’ve got a cool game you can play with the watch called Time watch dash…

Plus monster scares and loads of fun guaranteed! What else?

• Posters: An Ood, the Doctor’s daughter Jenny, and Donna and the Fortune Teller in Turn Left.
• Quiz: What do you know about Luke Rattigan?
• Tales from the TARDIS: The Cybermen crash into Jackie Tyler’s party!
• Puzzles and competitions: Things to win and puzzles to solve!
• Colour it! There’s a Cyber Controller waiting for you!
• Comic strip: Meet some pirate meerkats in this week’s exciting comic strip.
• Subscription offer: Subscribe today and get a brilliant Dalek rucksack.

Doctor Who Adventures, issue 108, priced £2.10, is out Thursday 26 March! Don’t miss it!

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